
I'm kindve thinking about deleting "Nothing Special". its not really something fun for me to do, but I only have 5 reads on "Bands, Should I Continue" comment if I should delete 'Nothing Special' and make my other story my main.


im kindve confused right now as pf why a SUPER nice comment that i left at the end of No More Study by @dem5sosfeels got reported as offensive. lol there was nothing offensive about it. xD


@dem5sosfeels oh okay lol. i really did love that series x :) i cried when i first wkke up and read that final update xO x


@Calumsfuturebabes02  i didn't report it if that's what you're thinking haha,  i couldn't do anything about it because i was on my phone when you posted it but now i've un-reported it, it said it violates the code of conduct. I think it was just because you said 'ass' apart from that i really don't understand why it was reported, sorry about that. It was very sweet what you said, so thank-you it does mean a lot when people say things like that :) x