
'Love only looks good on paper. Some persons find a peice of paper,  they neatly fold it into perfect little squares. They then securely tuck it in their pockets and always carry it around. Occasionally, carefully taking it out to make edits and jottings for improvements. Others let their paper be swept up by the high winds. While many are constantly chasing their given piece of paper on windy days. There are those who never even knew such a paper existed in the first place. Upon obtaining the unique piece of pachment, it turns up blank. Then they start wondering if they got hold of the Wrong page.'
          	Nb: Above rightfully belongs to me. 
          	I was in my feelings to say the least when i typed it on WhatsApp. 
          	But do you think i got what it takes to write well on here?


@arri_polite damn thats awesome! Sounds poetic too


'Love only looks good on paper. Some persons find a peice of paper,  they neatly fold it into perfect little squares. They then securely tuck it in their pockets and always carry it around. Occasionally, carefully taking it out to make edits and jottings for improvements. Others let their paper be swept up by the high winds. While many are constantly chasing their given piece of paper on windy days. There are those who never even knew such a paper existed in the first place. Upon obtaining the unique piece of pachment, it turns up blank. Then they start wondering if they got hold of the Wrong page.'
          Nb: Above rightfully belongs to me. 
          I was in my feelings to say the least when i typed it on WhatsApp. 
          But do you think i got what it takes to write well on here?


@arri_polite damn thats awesome! Sounds poetic too


Thank you so much for reading and voting on my story! It really means a lot to me and I appreciate it!!


@unidentified1934 Its cool. I enjoyed reading it


Thank you so much for your votes. It really means a lot that you voted on my story "Breathe."
          Feel free to comment. This is my first book so feedback is appriecited. Again, thanks very much! :)


Thanks for the kind words.


@Kim4petesake That's no problem, I actually enjoy reading your book very much. It's very interesting and well written, i just love how you write so well in third person narration...not many are able to pull that off. I am looking forward to more wonderful work from you :) 


I just want to say, I love your username. 


@The_Juliet_Reject Thank you. Your username is pretty cool also☺


@The_Juliet_Reject Aaaand the Emojis didn't want to show up. :/ 