Hey, so I don't mean to be rude or anything. I honestly don't!! Alright, so on The sex God, My Bestfriend could you maybe like make new paragraphs when someone new talks? I'm only on chapter 6 right now, but it's driving me insane. There are also many run-on sentences. Also, please use capital letters like omg... I'm seriously only almost 13 and I'm not even a grammar freak, that's my sister, and it's driving me INSANE!! The chapters are usually short and I understand that you probably have writer's block. I don't care if you don't put apostrophes in contractions (can't, it's, don't, he's, she's, etc) or if you mix up your and you're, just please, fix the grammar. You can take a week to write a chapter, I don't care. Please. Just. Fix. This.
Again, I don't want to be mean at all! Please believe that. It's an amazing story, it's just that it makes it hard to understand who's talking and stuff, y'know?? It doesn't take long. Maybe 5-10 minutes extra to do this. Even on a computer.