          	I just signed this and everyone that follows me, or that sees this should too. Be creative & supportive!


Hi! I love reading the conversations with strangers! Some of them are hilarious! You must be really smart going to high school and college! Congrats! I read your graduating high school soon, so.. Yeah. I'm still in middle school (8th) and live in New Jersey so yeah. I just thought I'd tell you hi and that you're cool in my book. Yep. Keep being awesome! 


Awh (= Thank you so much! I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm smart.. It's an option that a lot of schools offer you should look into it at your school; ask your high school counselor next year. If there's a college within an hour of your school they probably offer it. Look it up directly on the college or university's website if your counselor doesn't know && I definitely will keep being awesome. Haha.
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