
Omg guys I just noticed SP hit 13k??? Thank you guys so much for all the love and support!!!! I can’t believe it, it feels like yesterday it was at 5k read!! Thank yall so much again and I hope I don’t disappoint with the new chapter!!


Hey guys! I know I fell off the face of the earth again. But I graduated high school, had two jobs, now I’m working full time at only one. And I have a boyfriend now! So a lot has happened which is why I haven’t been writing! But big news!! I’m going to try to write in my free time!! Also news the Satan Princess series I will be turning into an original character story!! So that means I will be publishing them whenever I’m finished with them. However before that ever happens I will finish them as an Ateez fanfic for right now until I’m done with the one I’m going to publish before! So I hope I don’t disappoint yall!! And thank you for being patient with me!! 


You are such an amazing human being with such a creative mind! I love your stories and please take care of yourself <3


@cherri_joong that means so much to hear!!! Dont worry about responding "late"  im here if you need me and keep being you <3


@KpopPippy_17 omg you’re such an amazing person too!!!!! And you have such an amazing creative mind!!! I love your stories too!!!!! You take care too!!! And sorry it’s taken me so long to answer, life has been a roller coaster here lately 


Ik I kinda fell off the face of the earth but work and school really got to me. But now I’m back and ready to write. However it may take me a little bit to update since I have to go back and read everything I got so far. So thank y’all for being patient and I’ll try to have an update out so soon as possible!!


Hey, so if y’all noticed I’ve changed something’s on my profile. I thought it was about time for some change since I’ve changed. I’m not the same girl that joined four years ago. And as some as you may know I’m a high school student and I’m in my last year. I currently have a job and I’m in the band as a colorguard person. This past couple of years a lot has went on and that’s why I haven’t been updating as much. But I still love to write and I have so many ideas for future books! So I will continue to grow on this app and continue to write. I also have two other accounts if y’all would like to follow the one is joshuaddicted which is my graphic design account. And slytherin_moon which is an account for non K-pop books. Then I have an instagram account I write one shots and imagines which is _monxiverse_ if y’all would like to follow them!