
This user is clearly not as active as they used to be, therefore, please do not expect anything.
  • Dunia Online
  • SumaliOctober 31, 2018

Huling Mensahe
easilydeflatedbread easilydeflatedbread Aug 13, 2019 11:28AM
Pendatang baru 24 jam harap lapor >.>Agar nanti dikasih Doujin KuniChougi :)Tobat woi tobat! Cuih! >.>
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Kuwento ni Solte adler.
In search of the lost Toudan ni easilydeflatedbread
In search of the lost Toudan
~ 失われた 刀男 を 探して ~ Era milenial, Tahun 23xx. Terjadilah sebuah kekacauan besar di Citadel... Peristiwa dimana...
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