It’s insane to think that my sunshines aren’t rookies anymore! It feels like it was just two months ago that I first saw their young faces and fell in love, but now they’re such succesful young adults! It’s almost painful to think about how much they’ve grown.
I love you so much TXT, my precious boys. You’ve caused me so much happiness, and I honestly can’t imagine my life without you, so I’m very proud to call myself a pre-debut stan, of the best boygroup to exist (in my opinion). You’ve caused me so much joy and excitement that sometimes I forget you aren’t my friends in real life.
From being called ‘txtiddes’ to finally getting a fandom name, to your first comeback, to your first roty and award in general, to your solo activities, to your multiple covers, and all up until now, I’m more proud than anything to be a MOA.
We’ll all come together under one dream in hopes of building a new tomorrow, filled with moments of alwaysness. We’ll be together always.