
Here’s the tea I havent updated my Clarke story because when the season came out Jason basically made Malena as Luna and made the only fate of the nightbloods to be commanders, which I think is the most boring plot ever. I couldn’t find a way to twist my story even within the three month time jump, I was stumped by what was actually canon in the 100. Blame Jason sisters 


Here’s the tea I havent updated my Clarke story because when the season came out Jason basically made Malena as Luna and made the only fate of the nightbloods to be commanders, which I think is the most boring plot ever. I couldn’t find a way to twist my story even within the three month time jump, I was stumped by what was actually canon in the 100. Blame Jason sisters 


If your not going to continue your stories on here, do you think I could continue writing them in my profile? They are really good and I wish they were finished


I’m sorry I know I haven’t updated any of them in a very long time but I am very proud of the stories that I was able to create and it feels wrong just to give them to someone, thank you for reading and I’m really sorry I couldn’t finish them 