I'm just a nerd who spends way to much time reading and on Tumblr. Mostly Tumblr. I pretty sure I have about 11 accounts or something. Which means I have 11 emails, I mainly just created the emails for Tumlr because I'm a sadperson. Yeah I'm totally social like that. Like I was at a party and I went on my phone.... on Tumblr. So Tumblr is a big part of my life, as is reading. Cool story I know. Y'all should be proud of me. I'm not from the texas country though. I'm from New Zealand. And I don't like sheep so don't even ask. I get slightly obsessed with things rather easily too. Like Chloe Grace Moretz as she is an amazing human being. Another cool story. I shall let you go now so you don't die.


P.S. Myfriendtakesdrugsandshewritesawesomestorydedicatedtomewhenshesondrugsweeeeeeee

P.P.S. I'm just really weird shh and super lazy.
  • My House
  • انضمNovember 22, 2013


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