
So…wattpad came out with a new “comment like” function. I can’t describe how much I’ve wanted this lol there’s been so many comments on my stories that I wanted to like but was never able to lol gonna spend a lot of time going through my comments 


Hi Sax! 
          I loved your story so much "The Rebel (Thorin x OC)",and I would very much like to translate it into Brazilian Portuguese, but for that I need your authorization.
          Can you please give me this authorization? 
          Remembering: There will be your username in the story description, profile photo + authorization in a separate chapter. Thus giving due credit to you! :)


@ iAltoSax  ok! thank you very much! and it's okay for taking so long to respond 


Hello! I do apologize for responding to you so late. Very rarely do I check my profile conversation (and sometimes in my notification, any post kind of gets pushed down lol so sometimes I don’t see it).
            While I really love the idea because I would like it to reach more people to read and enjoy just as much as I enjoyed writing it. I had given permission to another user to translate (they’re two people working on it together) but I think they may have put a pause on it due to personal reasons. If you’d like you can try contact them (they’re also on wattpad) to see if you can adopt it. I talk the most with one of them so she may be more active.


Thank you so much for the wonderful time I had when reading both The Rebel books! You are a wonderful author and these stories I couldn't put down! I hope this is only the beginning of your wonderful writing adventure. 


I just got done reading The Rebel and I just want to say that you're an amazing writer. The ending of both books made me cry and I almost never cry when reading. It's my favorite of your works. 


Right doesn’t just make you wish it continued on to the lord of the rings. I personally wants it to keep going, but This time in The lord of the ring it starting the youngest daughter(can’t remember how the youngest name his spelled) felling in love with Legolas. 


Do you know if when you edit a chapter that has already been published if it sends a notification to those who have the book saved? I know I get one when a new part comes out but I wasn’t sure if it did so for edits


As far as I know, if you edit an already published chapter it doesn’t send a notification to readers who have it saved it in their library. The only way to get your readers to know about the recently edited chapter you’d have to put a note in your next chapter (assuming you’re still writing the book) or if it’s already completed you can post an Author’s Note type chapter to let people know that you’re editing your previous chapters and hope that the readers would read it ^^ I hope that helps (sorry if it may be wrong, I’m just going off what I’ve seen). Another option is that you delete the chapter and then repost it, I think that would send a notification to your readers because it’s technically a “new chapter”. Another option is that you post a note on your conversation page for your readers to see. If they’re following you then they’ll get a notification about your announcement. 


So…wattpad came out with a new “comment like” function. I can’t describe how much I’ve wanted this lol there’s been so many comments on my stories that I wanted to like but was never able to lol gonna spend a lot of time going through my comments 


Olá como vai? Espero que esteja bem, então eu vim até você para dizer que sua história é maravilhosa e que infelizmente tem um público que não a compreende por estar em inglês então eu vim até você em uma missão de paz para pedir sua permissão para traduzir a sua história eu vou dar total crédito a você porque a história é sua eu apenas vou traduzir com a sua permissão é claro. Eu posso?


@Anne__Lovely254698 Olá, respondi seu comentário no privado 


I loved your Written in the Stars story. It was so good I was shaking at the end of it, it was so good. I am not a Star Trek fan but I enjoyed the reboot, but you made the movies as well as TOS fun as well. You know how hat feeling when you find a really good book and you can’t put it in t down for anything and it becomes a part of you? It was Written in the Stars for me. I am a writer as well and I am inspired by this story to write my own original story staring those two actors. So good. God Bless you love


@SarahWright219 hello! I’ll send you a message ^^


Thank you so much for the encouragement! Yes I will definitely let you know my progress on that story. Just trying to figure out a world and names and other things for the story. Any ideas?


@SarahWright219 or If you don’t post on Wattpad I’d be excited to read anyway anywhere ^^