I'm just a 18 year old Dutch girl who loves Phan 
I like writing imagines :D
My English grammar is not very good, but I'll try my best...

- personal twitter: iesje1998
- personal instagram: irismatser
art instagram: irisdrawings

I hope y'all like my imagines/fanfictions :) xx
  • The Netherlands
  • Üye olduJanuary 5, 2013

Son Mesaj
iris1998loves1D iris1998loves1D Jul 23, 2014 10:00AM
@mlvnlsht yayyyy thank you I love you  #swek
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Jade Winter is just a normal girl who works at the local Starbucks shop. Then she meets Harry, and they becom...
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Host family
This fanfiction is a story told by Ruby Campbell, who met the one in a rather special way: "I'd always w...
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