
Hello, I was wondering if you'd like to come and check out my book "Magneta". I'm a small creator going out to people for a lil favour. I'm trying my best to get noticed for the Masterpiece I've written for which I've given all my time, effort and thinking to make it epic.
          I've seen that you're one of the most active readers of the Wattpad community and been vocal about how you feel about a story. It's a great thing that you're doing by supporting authors who are writing books with all their hardwork and this gives me hope that all my hardwork and patience will never fail me. 
          If you're taking reading requests, I would like to recommend my book "Magneta" which is a Dark Romantic Thriller. A Tragic tale writing which I felt all the emotions the characters have gone through like the emotions of Love, Happiness, Heartbreak, Pain, Deciet, Loss and every emotion that the characters go through. I've completed it and released all 95 Chapters and I really hope that you are going to love reading it. 
          My book is about a mystery guy who returns in the life of this girl years later as her husband's best friend as he carries some Dark Secrets and a Wicked motive. Unlike other stories this story has a lot of twists and turns that make the story unpredictable and your opinions about the characters might change as it progresses.
          My book also contains Original songs, Poetry and Trailer embedded in it which adds to the feels of the story and I'm sure you would love it.
          If this is something you would not like reading, I can totally understand as you obviously don't have to read something that you don't like as this is just a humble request as I'm trying to achieve 10k reads before I drop the sequel and links to the other remaining songs in the story.


Hallo, ini Biya. Khaliluna Anbiya. 
          Gadis lapuk di awal 30-an tahun yang masih enggan melepas masa lajangnya.
          Siapa peduli kalau orang-orang menyebutnya perawan tua? Mereka bahkan tak segan-segan menjadikan Biya sebagai pusat bisik-bisik dan perhatian.
          Tapi bagi Biya semua itu nggak penting. Toh gadis yang sudah menginjak umur kepala tiga itu selalu berprinsip "Selagi gue bahagia, persetan sama omongan orang."
          Begitulah sekiranya keyakinan teguh yang selalu Biya pegang. Lagipula nggak ada yang salah dari hidupnya. Lajang itu bukan AIB. Lajang jaman sekarang itu trendi. Right?
          Tapi kehidupan Biya yang terbilang aman dan bebas hambatan itu seketika jungkir balik saat Om Bagas memintanya mengisi posisi sekretaris menejer baru yang sekarang tengah kosong.
          "Aargh! JINGGA SIALAN!"
          Askara Jingga. Bujang. 27 tahun. Songong, sombong, minus etika - dan anggap saja bisu. Tipikal bos-bos rese yang hobi menyiksa bawahan. Selalu sengit tiap kali menatap keberadaan Biya.
          Bagi lelaki blesteran Korea dan setengah surga itu, sosok Biya sudah seperti sumber dari segala macam masalah dan kesialan.
          "Kalau kamu manusia yang punya etika, kamu pasti tau namanya hukum timbal balik."
          Sial! Apalagi yang bisa Biya lakukan untuk mengembalikan hidupnya ke posisi semula - terbebas dari segala keruwetan ini? Kalau sepanjang hari dia harus berurusan dengan makhluk minus etika seperti Askara Jingga?
          Dibaca dulu gess..
          Pelan-pelan, tarik napas..
          Simpang di daftar bacaan..
          Tungguin notifikasi update..
          Siapa tau suka :)