
Parents are transphobic and homophobic. He is depressed and has very bad anxiety. Social anxiety that makes him not able to make friends.  Paranoia which makes him feel like he's always being watched and he is very insecure about his body always wears black and half way through cuts his hair and dyes it black. His dad left and everyone blamed it on him for being born. The only reason he is still alive and hasn't commited suicide is because if his little brother named riley. 


Personality: Kind, caring, smart, funny
          Backstory: I’m afraid of dying and being alone. My pet who was my best friend passed away, and I had to leave my best friends behind because I had to move. I’m the girl who smiles often and is happy around others and trys to solve everyone’s problems to keep peace. But behind that smile is a broken, sad, scared, and angry heart. Oh and my brothers would annoy me and wouldn’t stop.


          Name: Camila Nickname: Cami
          Gender: girl
          Skin color: Tan
          Hair: brown and curly at tips
          Quirk: Shuffle. Depending on what song I’m listening to, singing, or humming, I get different abilities. 
          Special attacks: Raise the Volume. Increases attack damage a bit more. Remix: I can turn whatever song I want into a remix and at the drop, I unleash a very strong amount of power.
          Downsides: if I use my quirk too much I get body aches. If I overuse it wayyy too much I faint.
          P.s: Can I be best friends with Denki? Please? I was gonna ask if we could be a thing but I know there’s other simps out there and I don’t wanna cause dispute. So can I at least be best friends with him? I hope you accept my audition❤️❤️❤️! Keep up the great work!


this message may be offensive
Just in case I did not send it 
          Name: Masashi 
          Age: 17 
          Race: Korean 
          Quirk: Lightning and fire but can teleport a bit. 
          Past/childhood: Father committed suicide because of my uncle who wants to take control of our family business so I took over our family business then my uncle killed my mother and my clan/relatives then he put a curse on me on where I can see my uncle kill my mother and relatives all over again then my friend was killed after sacrificing himself for the person he loved but the person he loved liked me which I did not liked her back. Then I accidentally killed my friend’s crush by lightning after she ran into my attack to sacrifice herself but it turns out the my friend was alive and saw me kill her and wants revenge on me (he was revived by my uncle who took control of him and brain washed him) . Then my sensei/teacher was killed after sacrificing himself to save others.


Personality: Cold, Sweet, Smart, Cool, always late because visiting my dead comrades 


Looks: Black hair and eyes. With a black cloak and gray shirt and a sword 


Gender: Boy


          Race: Hispanic 
          Facial features: hazel eyes, tattooed bird on her neck 


Her height is 5’4


She can hold her telekines has long a she wants  and she can hold more that 4 things using it 


She loves food and has a strong passion on saving other 