Okay well, here goes:

My name is Savannah. Yup. I suppose this is where I should describe what I like and stuff. Well I mean I like to write (obviously or I wouldn't be on this site), I dance, draw and shit.

On average, you could describe me as a average white girl who sometimes has some originality in my noggin.

Once I had this kickass story on here. It had about 300k reads but then I got self conscious and deleted it and lost all my subscribers and blah blah blah. So long story short don't be a self conscious wussy... BE CONFIDENT IN WHAT YOU DO OR YOU WILL REGRET IT

Follow me!
Read my story!!

Well....That was anti-climactic wasn't it?
  • Somewhere, for sure
  • Üye olduJanuary 14, 2013

Son Mesaj
justsosavannahb justsosavannahb Jan 12, 2014 07:53AM
I'm so excited for my new update! It should be coming soon! I'm on chapter 10 and when I hit 15 I will start publishing so you guys will always have an update!!! Xoxo,Savannah 
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