bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
You got a message from Iman Lawa.
She write this by her own jari yang comel. So, please read this till the end. This is just a friendly reminder from her to you.
Ehem ehemmm.
So, how was your day? Are you okay? Kalau tak okay, take a deep breath and jerit je kuat-kuat and menangis puas-puas tau!
So, dear. Apa pun yang you rasa now and whats going on lately just a test from him to you. He want you to keep ingat akan Dia and sentiasa berzikir pada-Nya.
No metter how bad your day, remember that akan ada orang lain yang lalui hari lagi teruk dari you. So, come on! It just a bad day, not a bad life kan, sweetheart?
Remember that you will be fine, everything gonna be fine. You're the strongest person yg I pernah kenal, darling. You got the power inside you yang tak ada siapa pun ada.
'Assobru minal iman', sesungguhnya sabar itu separuh daripada iman. Ya, sayalah tu Iman lawa acekebom bom.
Jadi sabar, get through the shit, be a positive person and insyaallah the power inside you getting stronger tanpa you sedar.
Choose what you want in life. Happiness or sadness, it seems quite obvious but many don't follow it up with action.
If you want to be happy, work for it. Be proactive. Get the Almighty's help not just for worldly things. Sedikit demi sedikit your life will change, dear.
Mat malem, lawa/hensem!
Sugarmommy paling cun <3