
NEW STORY, I  am try a way of writing with this and I feel like it a better writing style for me. I hope you all like it.


Here's some validation! You do matter and you're enough
          If anyone says or thinks otherwise they know deserve what you have to offer. 
          You're a hard working and amazing person, don't ever forget your worth
          It'll all be ok. I know this sounds pointless, I know that feeling well
          But many tell me that there are good things ahead, so I'll encourage myself and you to believe it as well
          There things to stay alive and look forward to. You could change something today whether it's someone, or maybe even the world
          Something big may not happen today but it could happen any moment or day
          And even then you change lives everyday by just being here and existing
          So please never give up.
          You deserve so much in life, you're worth so much in life
          You're one of the things that make the world good 
          So just remember all this when you're feeling down ok? 
          Me and many others care a lot about you


So you're feeling a way the story hero to mad scientist I mean I can understand that some people need to start something new Plus  you been thinking ideas for that story over more then one year right


@joker055287 it's okay we all made mistakes an FYI Trump is definitely not taking this seriously the whole coronavirus thing