
Greetings to avid readers of Saint, author sekarang memang sangat busy dgn personal life, not to mention all the problems that keep popping into my life T^T so the updates will take a while


Hii, sorry guys author x dpt update new chapters for now. Sbb author tgh kejar deadline dgn ebook collaboration author dgn kakak. Bukan tulis2 tapi melukis ye utk ilustrasi dlm ebook kanak2. Harap maklum :))


@violettrfall author pun dah rindu an anak author hmmm 0//-//0


@misheu2 take your time author , reader tggu ni hehe  nanti comeback balik ye dah rindu sesangat saint ni  hahahaha :⁠0 


Btw, chapter baru author tak tahu bila author update lagi untuk SAINT. Sebab schedule author agak pelik kebelakangan ni (padahal takde keje weh, tapi busy gak camana tu). 
          Tmi, author ada job interview lagi esok lusa. Lepas tu ada camping trip dgn family next week. Lepas tu tgh bulan Ogos ni author fly ke KL. Lagi satu psl ke KL tu buat makin payah author nak up chapter baru, nak ditambah lagi punya payah tu author tak tahu sampai bila author stay kat KL. Maybe seminggu, dua minggu. Even sebulan, siyes author tak tahu. But author TRY to update utk korang. Dan author TRY habiskan SAINT within this year (depends on whether or not author pilih utk buat SAINT punya cerita makin cepat dan pendek, atau makin padat tapi lama nak habis). Melebih2 author bising kat sini, anyways yet again love you allllll


@Lizee85 thank youu. Also author made a mistake cuz im losing my memory, apparently my flight to kl is in october, not this month. Im so dumb lmaoo. So ada byk masa before pegi kl, author akan try update dlm masa terdekat. And thank you for the wish! Good luck in whatever you do in your lufe as well! <3 


takpa author..sy sbg pembaca setia karya awak,akan sentiasa menunggu new update..good luck for ur interview author..GBU


          So far tu je yg author nak tahu dari korang. Tapi kalau ada apa2 yg lain nak komen, boleh ckp je author x kesah. Jgn hate dh la, author ni sensitif ckit. Pada korang yg dah baca, otw baca, yg menanti chapter baru, yg rajin tinggalkan komen pada setiap chapter, korg yg siap follow lagi acc author, author sgt2 appreciate gila wehhhh. Author bukanlah sesiapa, cuma seorang insan yg mmg sukakan fiksyen dri kecik lagi, dan author adalah seorang maladaptive daydreamer. Jdi sbb tu byk sgt benda dlm otak, tu psl lah author finally decide utk abadikan jadi a story utk org lain baca. Author ada buat silap salah, buat korg menyampah dgn cerita author ke apa, author nak mintak maaf awal2 ye (dh mcm raya weh). Ok, author rasanya ada benda lain jugak nk ckp tp dh tak ingat sbb tulis pnjang sgt so next time lah author ckp ye. Thats it for now, loves babaiiiiiiiiii


PART 6 (kalau boleh komen yeeee)
          Last but not least, pengakhirannya author nak tanya kat korg yg dh baca SAINT. So far, korg rasa macam mana? 
          1) Adakah jalan cerita berlaku terlalu cepat hingga korg pun jdi konpius dgn apa yg jadi?
          2) Author punya cerita xde specifically mention anything sgt, contoh "Kazi ada kedai bunga kat KL tp KL tu kat mana" atau "rumah keluarga Kazi terletak kat negeri mana" dan sebagainya. Adakah benda ni merumitkan korg atau korg tak kesah sgt? Sbb personally author sengaja buat gini sbb nak bagi readers sndri yg pilih ikut selera korg masing2. 
          3) Adakah scene manis dan scene yg terlebih manis antara Saint an Kazi ok pada korg atau tidak? Melampaui batas tak?
          4) Korg ok tak dgn author punya stail yg byk menggunakan time jump? Contoh "Saint an Kazi tunang harini, next chptr lah kawen dh sbb time jump di mana seminggu dh berlalu tanpa isi (extra scenes yg author tak letak).


          Author harap korang faham. Author dlm proses rewriting my sentences balik yg dh dlm draft tu. Dan korang yg minat romance, especially yg dah mula baca atau add my novel to your tbr, jgn risau sbb jalan cerita SAINT tetap fast pace romance with little to no conflicts sbb mmg itu original idea for this particular story. Author will be much more mindful dgn penulisan author dlm bab2 Saint an Kazi yg... well you know, sweet2 kiss ke apa.
          Tapi author tak boleh janji cerita ni for upcoming chapters are absolutely not sexy at all. Mcm mana eh nak ckp? Author try buat tak terlalu seksi but still seksi yg cukup2 mkn utk readers yg lapar an romance ni. Sbb author tahu, mostly org yg baca wattpad ni dahagakan romance especially di mana penulisan dia less strict in comparison to published malay romance novel by author yg jauh lebih hebat irl. Jdi readers baca kat wattpad sbb nak seksi2 sikit. NOT ALL THO, tapi at least thats what i think, okkkkk. Haaaa sebab tu author ckp takleh janji yg chapter baru nanti tkde yg tak seksi, gituuuuuu.
          Anyways, author venting ckit harini, hujan lebat kat luar tu sejok so kat sini author lepaskan panas ckit. But rather than venting psl entah pape, more like venting sbb author disappointed dgn diri author sendiri.


          Bila ada readers yg ckp they like novel author, and siap ckp "oh this is the type of love story that want" honestly author rasa syok. Sbb author sndiri prefer a fast paced story rather than a slow one. Tpi bila ada readers yg mula suka an novel author, author jadi pressured. Like, next scene dh ada dlm otak tp readers suka ke tak nanti? Mcm mana kalau korang x suka tetiba? Kalau skip scene ni pegi ke scene lain ok ke? So on and so forth.
          Atas sebab2 ni author jadi makin slow update chapter baru. Kalau masa mula2 dulu almost every 2 days author up chapter utk korg baca. Because basically SAINT dah tamat dalam kepala otak author. Author dah tahu apa yg jadi and whats the ending. So dulu author pun jdi tak sabar nak habiskan novel ni cpt utk share dgn korang the love story between Saint and Kazi. But as I said, kerana faktor2 yg author sebab tadi membuatkan penulisan author jadi slow.