Hi! Thanks for the follow and for reading The Crying Bridge. Of my other works, I’d recommend Hindsight. The Ravenflight Witches is a story I love but it’s also total crap that needs completely revised.
I wanted to give you some info regarding the whole home birth thing—my first child was born after nearly 30 hours of induced labor where every intervention in the book was visited upon me. I went along, trusting my doctor, who was good at her job. I ended up with a C-section, lost a ton of blood, and was in so much pain I didn’t hold my child until 12 hours after her birth. I developed scar tissue that caused some major fertility issues, and my second child was conceived more than five years later after we were told it would never happen. I opted to do as much naturally as I could. I found a great OB who fully supported my choice to have a non-medicated birth. I wanted a home birth with a midwife but hubs said no way. Even with my OB’s support, we had to have a doula run interference with the nursing staff to allow me to handle the labor as I wished. I labored at home for the first 4 hours with my husband and doula. When my water broke, we headed to the hospital, 10 minutes away. When we arrived and I was checked, I was almost 7 cm dilated. The labor was insane and transition took awhile but after a total 10 hours of labor, I birthed my second child without any interventions, aside from an IV port and a fetal monitor. I used a birthing ball, walked, and used a labor tub. I was able to try several positions during pushing phase, and after about 20 minutes, I used the squatting bar, and 10 minutes later, the baby was out. We asked to wait to cut the cord and did immediate chest to chest, allowing baby to root and find my breast right away. It was amazing!
I did so much research before choosing this kind of birth, and I’m grateful it worked out so well for us!