
Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been active, It complicated so I won’t get in to details but moving on I was in London on the 22nd to see much ado about nothing starring Tom Hiddleston, it been a lifelong dream to see Tom in person and seeing him on stage was amazing and I’m tearing up while writing this lol, but I don’t know how it happened but I was escorted to the front of the queue of hundreds of people and handed to Tom security guards I got autographed from most of the cast and when Tom came out he came up to me and said “hi lovely to see you” and my dumbasses says yeah but anyway I got his autograph and he shook my hand, my mum filmed the interaction and I can’t watch the video without crying.
          	Sorry if I’m ranting but I was just so happy cause Tom really means a lot to me especially Loki as from the ages of 13 to 15 my father abused me physically and mentally.
          	So remember that ‘the sun will shine again’  and to never give up on your dreams even when Its gets to hard without that being said I would like to announce I will posting again but this time it will Tom Hiddleston and his character.
          	So if you have any requests just Dm me or just reply to this with what you want.
          	Your sincerely 


Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been active, It complicated so I won’t get in to details but moving on I was in London on the 22nd to see much ado about nothing starring Tom Hiddleston, it been a lifelong dream to see Tom in person and seeing him on stage was amazing and I’m tearing up while writing this lol, but I don’t know how it happened but I was escorted to the front of the queue of hundreds of people and handed to Tom security guards I got autographed from most of the cast and when Tom came out he came up to me and said “hi lovely to see you” and my dumbasses says yeah but anyway I got his autograph and he shook my hand, my mum filmed the interaction and I can’t watch the video without crying.
          Sorry if I’m ranting but I was just so happy cause Tom really means a lot to me especially Loki as from the ages of 13 to 15 my father abused me physically and mentally.
          So remember that ‘the sun will shine again’  and to never give up on your dreams even when Its gets to hard without that being said I would like to announce I will posting again but this time it will Tom Hiddleston and his character.
          So if you have any requests just Dm me or just reply to this with what you want.
          Your sincerely 


hey chapter 4 will be posted tomorrow, I've been busy all day and i really exhausted so please bare with me and sorry for the delay.
          also thank you to the people that have add milk & honey to your reading list and have voted in really made my day.


hi guys, sorry for the delay on chapter 4 it still a work in progress.
          writer blocks is a pain but i finally got ideas that im trying to piece together so it should be ready by tomorrow!
          p.s  I'm open for any request, ideas and suggestion so comment or dm me and i will reply asap


hey guys, I was thinking revamping  dearest, beloved!
          I first wrote the fic in early 2021 and unpublished it at the end 2021  
          but I'm going to rewrite and put back up! 
          so if you have any suggestion on what you like to me to write, feel free to comment or dm me cause i love to hear from you guys!


hey guys, guess who finally got there laptop fixed, i was using the school laptop to write but i had to give it back  in june. also a update on college i dropped out cause there was no support for me when they told the would so that sucks but i can carry on writing for you guys.
          your sincerely Eleanor


Just posted a story that I’ve been working on for the last couple days, I’ll be posting chapter regular cause I dropped out of school for mental health reasons and this is the only thing keep me sane to or worth occupy my time until I start college in September.