
If ya’ll flip out that Slave is unpublished then ya’ll shoulda read my recent update ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️


WTF howdy omfl i jus wanna say that osht ure so lit on youtube like godfamnit your vid "25 facts about me (parody)" is sooooo good. 
          "I tend to say things backwards... Nuggets chicken like i."
          "I shower naked, scandalous."
          "Shrek is hashtag daddy." I fukcing agri


Oh my gosh, ahhhh, thank you so much!! ❤️ I’m so glad you like it c: @GlazedCakes


Hey guys, I apologise but I’ll be taking a small hiatus. 
          Not only do I have a TON of holiday homework I need to catch up on, but also my grandma passed away on Monday I just need some time off
          I’ll be back to updating Slave in February hopefully ❤️ I love you all, and thank you for sticking by me through this difficult time ❤️