
━━━━━━━ TING ( ! ) 
          u have a new message from chipa: « good morning, beloved, as the golden dawn breaks through the misty firs, the gentle breath of morning dew whispers dreams anew. arise, for the day’s sweet symphony awaits ur soul in harmony. the sun ascends with her golden crest to light ur path and grant u peace. may morning’s grace fill ur spirit, and time stand still upon the hill. let joy take wing as ur heart greets the day with quiet wonder. »


TING ( ! ) u have a new message from evan's:
          wake up, rise n shine bbygirl -! 
          don't skip ur breakfast, isi tenaga biar ngga sakit. jangan lupa u beristirahat juga ya ~ btw happy weekend my pretty girl, you're so meaningful n gorgeous, ily ily ily ✨


          jaga kesehatan, jaga pola makan, jangan begadang ! istirahat yang cukup, gausah keluar kalau engga penting, buat yang nugas jangan dipaksain kalau ngga fit ya babe. inget, kesehatan nomor satu — kalau sakit kan jadi gabisa mikir, pokok chipa gamau denger kabar kamu sakit :( selamat malam, have a nice dream, chipa sayang kamu jadi jangan sakit ya sayang ♡


selamat malam, selamat beristirahat, lupakan kejadian-kejadian y mungkin membuatmu sedih hari ini, sekarang saatnya kamu mengistirahatkan tubuh dan pikiranmu dari hal-hal y berbau duniawi. 
          jangan lupa bersihkan tempat tidur dan siapkan posisi ternyaman untuk kamu tidur, jangan pernah lupa untuk berdoa ya? Toh, kita nggak tau apa y akan terjadi esok hari, so by praying at least we have asked God for protection and for help to wake us up tomorrow in a beautiful morning ♡
          jangan mikirin hal-hal ngga baik sebelum tidur ngga ngerusak bunga tidurmu. asli deh, kalau mikirin sesuatu sebelum tidur kadang terbawa sampai ke dalam mimpi dan akhirnya kesel sendiri. satu lagi, jangan lupa pakai selimut ya, so that u don't get cold and don't get bitten by mosquitoes, have a good sleep!


noon my babe! i hope u slept well and that u're ready for an amazing and exciting day! before the day starts i just wanted to write you a lil bit paragraph for u to start ur day! first of all i just wanna tell u how grateful i am for u and all the things that u do for me, i know u don't think u do a lot but trust me, u do! thanks for always making me smile and laugh and thanks for helping me through rough patches. u're such a kind and loving person and i'm so glad i met u cause honestly u're one of a my sweetheart. i love u saurrr much and i hope u have an amazing weekend! oh! there's another one, u're an amazing person, always remember that!!! 




babe, well, i love you! are you sleeping, now? 


to my sweetest girl have a good night! i send u wishes for a beautiful night that are filled with the loveliest dreams about what u want. i would like to say thanks for taking me as i am and loving me so much. ur love is amazing and incredible. have a lovely night rest, my darling. the most prettiest girl deserves a good night from me, LOL. so here's a good night for u, from me. muah, good night! 