Dear Followers, So I have come up with the most brilliant idea. I have so many ideas for stories in my head it's unbelievable. So, what I am going to do is post a few of my stories below. Well they're descriptions. Then you guys will vote on them, and the winner will be the one that I will work on in my free time. Don't worry I have plans for all of the stories from beginning to end. It's just the typing it up part, and the editing that get to me. A few of you may of read some of the ideas that I am writing down, but they were not finished stories. Which is why they are not up anymore. So I am hoping that this can help me get back into my writing, and of course better writing. So just let me post these descriptions. If you vote for one of them post on it as a comment. It would be really helpful on why you also found it your favorite. Well let the games begin!! PurpleDinoBlack

Deep Dark Secrets My mom gave me this book to write in so let me tell u who I am. I'm Angela I have a brother Andrew who is 17 years old we are now going to Doyle high school. I hate it here.my mom is amazing when she's not with her friend. Well her friend, Casey, has 2 kids which are twins. Their names are Nick and Nicky. Now my life may seem normal but you have it all wrong. Living with my mom , a vampire, Casey, also a vampire, Nick, a demon, Nicky an angel, Andrew a werewolf, and me part vampire and part demon. Weird family huh but that's not the weirdest.

Without me Have you ever been so lonely, that you could feel yourself fading away? Well, Mallisa's life is all of that. knowing she has friends but disappearing is the main thing she thinks about. As her life crumbles down she is faced with terrifying times that is left of her. No matter what she is stuck with the thought of going to sleep, but never waking up.

Out of hell is it really her time or is it just her? She thinks she will get off of it, life, but then it never ended. IS she ready to leave or will someone stop her? Is this man to stop her ok with her suicidal thoughts or will he end them forever? Hailey Starter was tired of life, tired of staying where she obviously wasn't wanted. The only way she saw herself being happy was to get away, away from school and away from her house. On the verge of killing herself, they took her away, only so she can stay in a mental institution and revisit her past every day. More and more of a reason for her not to stay.