
I'm gonna be straight up with you all ,my grandpa died I'm stressing about getting back to school and I'm depressed so I haven't wanted to do anything so I'm making myself write so I can let all my feelings out .I'll update when I get around to it. Just give me some time.


I'm gonna be straight up with you all ,my grandpa died I'm stressing about getting back to school and I'm depressed so I haven't wanted to do anything so I'm making myself write so I can let all my feelings out .I'll update when I get around to it. Just give me some time.


I understand w ,But I started it At 2 Am . I was tired and didn't feel like going on anymore with it ,I have some time to work on it and because I type it up on my laptop I'll be able to post faster ,Once the Ideas come to me I'll start typing seeing as How I woke up at 7 something this morning and I've only been up an Hour or so ,Im not really too into Updating right now ,But I'll Get to it .I promise.


How would you guys feel if I posted a sequel to The Angel in the shadows coming from Satine's point-of-view in  the story ,like his overview of things and possibly writing in how the battle between Heaven and Hell went down and giving details on the war that I talked about in the other book?


@teddys_dashi I'll post parts of it I'm watching supernatural right now and it's really good lol


Hey my lovely followers ,I haven't been working on the Angel in the shadows as much as I'd like to, I got the App Tap and I've been working on a story on there  ,I'll get back on as soon as I have a new Idea for The angel in the shadows, I'm sorry for the Delay on that .I have some major writers Block with that story ...


Are you guys following the story alright ,Because I might have to go back and fix a few things if not ,I just want to clarify That My Main character Is a female Angel Named serenity and She's fighting to get the two children Back from the underworld to earn her wings and her permanent home in heaven ,If she succeeds is a mystery though so you'll have to keep reading to find out but I just need to know if I need to Fix anything . Please let me know ,Thank you.


Thank you for the Votes On Murder,Im  still working on the angel in the shadows I'm sorry for taking so long My family and I have been really busy with packing and cleaning getting ready for the move up to New York ,be patient and I'll be writing again soon


So I'm excited But sad at the same time ,While my family is away in new York starting at like 6-7 in the morning ,I'll be here spending Christmas with my friends and their families ,Then after I'll go up to Ny and Have dinner again and spend time with the family and the dogs .At least I can get some more pictures of friends for the scrapbook I'm going to put together


Hi Guys ,I Found My one Story that I had started a couple months ago After I had finished writing murder but then I lost it But it's found So yay More for you to read ,anyway I'm not going to stop working on  The Angel In the shadows If you guys are liking it ,However I am going to be working the other story as well ,The Angel In the shadows and this other story are completely unrelated ,In the angel In the shadows I'm working on chapter four and In the other book I'm working on chapter Two ( Can you tell which book I have more of an interest in Lol) anyway I should Have more posted in the angel in the shadows soon and the other book it'll take some time to work on ,My Binder with all my writing has gone missing So I have to write all this completely by memory which is Hard for me to do ,Well I hope you enjoy what I have and I'll hopefully have more up for you soon . :) Happy reading X.x


I think what I'm going to do Is Just write a part of the chapter and then post it ,write another part then post it ,Not post it all at once Just so I'm not overwhelmed with words like I was when I wrote the first chapter that way I can keep you guys guessing on what's going to happen next .


Ok everyone The first chapter Is Up and completely finished ,The angel In the shadows Is of course a work in progress So I'm Moving as fast as I can I'm thinking of Pulling the story Back to talking about the angels and what's going on in their world then taking it back to talking about Chrys and Her family ,Just let me know what you think and possibly help me out with ideas ,Please? I need some more . Happy Reading !