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I break too easily to trust, but somehow I end up trusting too easily.  I probably should've learned 6 years ago that I'd never be worth anything to anyone. It's either I'm completely nothing, or not enough too keep. Why can't I just be enough? I'm constantly broken down because I believed something I was told. I can't talk to anyone around me because they would say something along the lines of "You're fine, you've never showed signs of depression before" 
          That's something I am good at, hiding how I actually feel. I constantly get hurt but I never learned any lesson, other than people can be assholes.
          I've been told that I'm loved. I try to believe it and once I finally start believing it, something happens and I'm broken and hurt again. I don't understand it and I probably never will. I haven't really cared about other peoples opinions for about 2 months because only one person mattered to me. I couldn't believe how lucky I had gotten and I still don't. 
          I'm just feeling lost. I can't really put my life into perspective. I don't really know what to do. The only time I feel complete is when I'm talking to the love of my life but I don't think I'm as important as I was. I don't know if my feelings are valid but I'm hoping they aren't.


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
Is it just me or do the people that say they care never actually care? Like, seriously, I just told someone that I needed help, He completely ignores me and continued talking about himself. I don't understand. Wtf did I ever do that was so bad? I can't believe that. I can't accept that I'm around so many heartless people. I just don't get it. I wonder how many people are going to waste their time and actually read this. No one. I wonder how many people are going to tell me to stop feeling sorry for myself because other people have it worse. I know other people have it worse, but right now, all I need is someone that wouldn't bring up the other people and try to help me. I don't want some random person commenting on something I say, telling me that they're there for me. If you're really going to be with me for the long run, do it! Don't go and tell me something that you know isn't true! I don't get what's so difficult about keeping promises! I get that I trust too easily, but I should be able to trust people and not have to worry about being stabbed in the back. Maybe if there weren't so many selfish assholes in the world we'd be okay. No, "god" decided to send us all these people that don't give a shit about anyone else! I'm going to go crazy! All these people how to focus on themselves so much that they don't notice someone they "care" about is in pain! *sighs* Why can't everyone just be nice? Is it so hard to just not be an ass? I guess it is considering a number of people that give 0 fucks about anyone else than the person they see in the mirror....why don't people realize that somethings they say, hurt others? The world would be such a nicer place if we could be accepting. We don't have to like what others do, but the least we can do is accept it.
          1789 words


Unneeded Update: The person that I was talking about got mad at me for going with a just that HE made. He simply said His part and left.


I want to cry and punch things at the same time
            It drives me crazy 
            It's like I'm mad for 3 seconds then I wanna cry for 3 seconds and that cycle doesn't end