I'm going to try not to make this sound like a journal entry and remind myself that actual humans are going to read this. Hi. It's been a long time. I can't bare to write another personal update that explains why I've been gone, mostly because in all the time that's passed, I'm sad I ran from writing instead of turning toward it and using it for the better. Anyway, I come bringing good and bad news. Maybe just news. You decide. I want to write again. And even just typing those words has made my chest tighten. I've gone through waves of thinking that my writing isn't good enough, to telling myself I want to be a serious author one day. But the biggest pill I've had to swallow is that I can't actually be a writer if I don't ... you know ... write. To be honest, I have written some stuff. Chunks and chapters of book ideas that I haven't given me the stamina yet. I'm not going to make promises of an upload schedule. I'm actually not making any promises. I couldn't open this app/website for months but tonight I took that first step. I'm considering this post, my second. And maybe no one will care about this update because I am one of thirty authors you tried to read and don't care. Maybe no response will take pressure off me to write for the sake of writing. Or maybe a few people will care, and tell me that they care, and it will motivate me to write even more because there is a demand, even a small one. I genuinely don't know. Even these 1500 words are more than I've written in months. I don't know. All I know is I want to try again. And if I'm lucky, something will come of it. Something I can be proud of.

No need for apologies and explanations. All that matters is your inner peace and well being. Set aside anything that’s making you anxious and embrace anything that warms up your soul. Precipice is one of the few books-ffs that have really spoken to my soul and I’d give everything to see it as a tv series(a movie isn’t enough)! But even if you don’t get to finish the story it’s O K!! Maybe one day in the future, when you’re ready,you can give us a hint of what could’ve happened so we/I can finally rest in peace Lots of love and all the best to you!❤️