
Merry Christmas to all and to all a great new years.


You ever just realize how far you are away from the past, like your childhood or innocent years. You just exist than you remember that ganam style released a decade ago. Or that the YouTubers you used to watch as a child now have there own family and possibly children now the same age you were. I hate growing up.


Im the trash man! If you are reading this then I will give you a bio since I am bored This is an alt that I use more than my main. My account is for the trash fanfics/stories of wattpad, since my taste and judgement of things is trash and it is hard for me to tell gold for fool's gold. I mostly sh!tpost in stories, or something. Im a bit perverted and into some.... stuff, but not futa or yaoi. I like harems and dialog when reading stories. I like mostly crossovers, never seen an episode of jojo, watched some anime (mostly isekai) and im male. Also i have only one eye and if I get the flu i could easily die, because of that i had already done the things everyone has been doing the last year in terms of safety. For the most part isolation, yeah i was doing this whole thing before it was cool.
              Wow you all read that, or just skipped it all, i don't know if i should feel something  since i am only typing this because im bored. And since i thought i should have something on my profile to act as a bio that's at least 1000+ long. Because i achieved that goal I will be gone. P.S. I am a ketchup addict.


No worries, I just see everything as a picture. If I wanted to be an artist or photographer I would be a great one, lol


this message may be offensive
Holy shit-
            Is that the OFFICIAL TRASH MAN!?
            btw R.I.P eye.


P.S.S. fav cartoon has to be the entire ben 10 series, besides the reboot. Fav game has to be infamous 1 and 2. Fav food is mcdonald's french fries. Fav color is green. And my gender is male. fav comedians bo burnham and Christopher titus, john mulaney also. My first anime I ever saw was rosario + vampire and I liked it a lot, for who at the time had no sexual desire and I didn't know the wands and the wings (birds and bees)