I'm a Right- Brained Person.
Which means :
♥ I'm easily swept up by my imagination.
♥ If I come up with an artistic idea, I have to stop everything I'm doing and write it down.
♥ And I'm totally guilty of doodling all over my math notebooks. Numbers are just guidelines to amazing art, everyone knows that. Right?
♥ I have some strange talents, like tying seemingly unrelated things together. Which makes me a star English student, at least. lol.
♥ I love to read and write, but I don’t know the difference between a preposition and a conjunction. And who cares, as long as I can appreciate the work in question?
♥ And I've tried to learn at least three languages but struggled with memorizing grammar rules. Uh, at least I tried?
♥ I have an easier time writing a silly message on my bill than actually calculating tip.
♥ I need to have music on when doing work, even though it can make my mind wander. Music is my best friend XD
♥ I rely on visuals when learning new things.
♥ I'd rather write an essay than take a multiple-choice exam. A timed test with limited answers? No thanks. I'd rather have a few hours to say exactly what I mean and defend my reasoning.
♥ I'm really brave when it comes to pursuing what I want, but my feelings are also easily hurt.
♥ I'm meticulous when it comes to creating a piece of art, but my desk is covered with scattered papers. Art must be perfect. Everything else…eh, never mind.
♥ I get really excited about the tiniest of details related to my favorite series or film, but get easily bored in daily conversations with people. Ordinary conversation = yawnsville.
♥ I'm great at recognizing people’s faces but can’t remember names of new people to save my life. AKA Having to remember five people right after I've been introduced is IMPOSSIBLE.
♥ Fictional characters have shaped my personality more than real people.
♥ I live in my own world. And you know what? It’s pretty magical.
That's all. Endddd ♥
- Saturn.
- InscritApril 17, 2012
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Histoires par Storian
- 15 Histoires Publiées

Renaissance University
Howard Gardner proposed eight abilities that he held to meet these criteria: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial...