If two words are stuck together, e.g Luke and car, please bring it to my attention as I have already, three times to be exact, have scrolled down my seemingly endless chapter hitting the space bar when coming across the error. I promise you I did not purposely do that, I am a little smart despite being a drop out, and although my chapter is long I hope it has a nice flow to it. For the next chapter I plan on plotting it out and throw in some sort of conflict, maybe a little more complex then the conflict in 'Friendship' but I'm not sure, and hopefully it all works out. Feel free to talk to me or ask me to make a cover for you, I seriously do not mind nor care. I'll happily help you :) Finally, if any of you need a friend or someone to talk too hit me up :) I mean, lol If you look at my tumblr you'll see I'm not the most happiest creature lurking around but I'm here to help. Have a good day/week/month/year/ummmm decade?