Fire Lady Crystal

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Wow... I cannot believe I started writing this story in 2015. It has really been a long ride. But I am glad I didn't give up on this story, and I have all of you amazing readers to thank for that. I did come to decide that I will not be continuing into the comics. I'd rather just leave Crystal and Zuko's story as it is. I also am not familiar with the comics too much and just don't want to mess up any details. So this will be the last chapter of this tale. Thanks again for your comments and support. This was a long ride, but I can finally say that "Blazing Crystal" is complete.

Also, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Chapter 72: Fire Lady Crystal

The world was in celebration as news started to spread about the hundred-year war finally coming to an end. After over a hundred years of bloodshed, destruction, and imprisonment, the darkness was finally over. Zuko's coronation, and the news of our marriage, brought to the world a sign of hope for a brighter future ahead. Harmony was starting to be restored.

The evening of Zuko's coronation, we received more good news from Piandao by a messenger hawk that Ba Sing Se had been reclaimed by the Earth Kingdom. The White Lotus had been successful in their mission and had taken back the city, running the Fire Nation soldiers out and freeing the Earth Kingdom citizens at last.

We were also told in the letter that The White Lotus had received word of my coronation, and Iroh was departing from the Earth Kingdom to come see the ceremony along with Pakku. They were taking an airship which they had hijacked in the city, and were going to stop by the South Pole to pick up Gran-Gran to bring her to see me as well. The thought of seeing Gran-Gran again filled me with elation. I hadn't seen her in months. Zuko was nervous about meeting her, scared she'd smack him for what he did to her when he invaded our village so long ago. I let him know I'd try to protect him and smooth things over.

In addition to receiving news about Ba Sing Se on the day of Zuko's coronation, my father also confronted us about our secret marriage. We had just gone down into the plaza to greet everyone after Zuko was crowned when dad walked over to us. He wasn't angry; just surprised. He didn't understand why we couldn't have waited one more week to get married. I explained to him that we weren't even sure we would have another week, and we didn't want to die before we had the chance to become more than just engaged.

"I love Zuko, dad. I love him more than anything...  my heart told me to marry him that day on Ember Island. I know it's not the original plan, but we both wanted this. I'm so happy and don't regret our decision."

My dad seemed to still be trying to understand everything, but instead of arguing, he placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder. "Well... I suppose I should welcome you as my son-in-law then. I'm not thrilled this is the way it happened, but I can see you two are happy. Clearly there's nothing I can do about it. All I ask is that you both come to the Southern Water Tribe once things settle down so that our people have a chance to celebrate your union as well. Crystal has been away from home for far too long. Many miss her and would love to see her again."

Zuko put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to his side. "I'm certain as we start to repair the world we will be heading to the Earth Kingdom. The South Pole will definitely be the first stop we make."

My dad was glad to hear this. He hugged me then, kissing me on the forehead to let me know he was happy for me. "Just don't forget that you are of the Southern Water Tribe. That will never change. I love you."

"I'll never forget," I promised. "I will always be part of the Water Tribe and your daughter. I love you, dad."

After my father didn't kill my husband, we relaxed and continued to greet others in the crowd. Teo and The Duke gave me their congrats. Teo also introduced me to his father who was the mastermind inventor behind the airships. The Mechanist was thrilled to finally meet me, having heard much about me from his son and the others. I also met Haru's dad, Tyro, who congratulated Zuko and I as well. He and Haru planned to leave the next morning to head home and return to Haru's mom. They apologized for not being able to stay for my coronation, to which I quickly told them I preferred them to go home and be reunited with their family.

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