Dark Water

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Crystal POV

"You want to do what?!"

It was the sound of Iroh's voice that woke me from my deep sleep. My back was killing me, and my head was splitting. Every muscle in me felt tight and heavy. Somehow, I found the strength to open my eyes. When I did, I was surprised to find I was in a cave. The last thing I remember from yesterday was healing all of Zuko's burns, and then breaking down into tears. After that everything was a complete blur.

"I have to do this Uncle! If Zhao gets to the Avatar before me, then everything I have worked so hard to achieve will be lost! I won't lose my only way home to that monster!"

Trying to sit up, I immediately grimaced as my muscles burned from the movement. The trauma of yesterday's events had caught up to me. Being thrown off the ship, through a glass window, and into the dark water of the ocean had been a toll on my body.

"You're talking about disguising yourself as a soldier to sneak on the very ship of the man who tried to kill you! Do you realize how irrational that is?"

Zuko defended himself. "I'll stay out of Zhao's radar! This is my only chance Uncle!"

Finally I sat up, but immediately regretted it when my heads pain only intensified. When I was able to see around me though, I noticed Iroh was standing by a blazing fire while Zuko stood directly in front of him. They both looked desperate, but I knew it was for different reasons.

"Very well," Iroh finally said, sighing heavily in defeat. "I'll return to the ship and see if any of the armor survived." His eyes turned hard then. "But I'm coming too. I don't like the thought of you being anywhere near Zhao alone."

Zuko nodded slowly, knowing he couldn't refuse.

"Now we just have to decide what to do with Crystal..."

I didn't need them to decide for me. I knew what had to be done. "Hand me over to Zhao." My voice came out more tired than I wanted it to sound.

Both Zuko and Iroh whirled around and looked at me with amazement. Running a hand through my hair, I tried to brush out the salty tangles as much as I could.

"No!" Zuko protested. "Absolutely not! What are you thinking?"

"Crystal," Iroh said with worry. "I think you hit your head a little too hard dear."

I explained. "Zhao will doubt that Zuko is really dead. If I'm presented to Zhao then he can hear from one who witnessed the explosion. I can tell him that I watched you die onboard. When he believes that you're really dead, it will be easier for you to travel in disguise because Zhao won't suspect he has an intruder in his crew."

Iroh seemed to contemplate it. Zuko seemed like he wanted to protest some more, but he didn't.

Finally, Iroh responded. "I suppose that is a good idea... Then once we reach the North Pole I can sneak to whatever prison cell Zhao will hold you in and set you free. You can make a dash for a paddle boat and row to shore. Then you can use your waterbending to get into the city."

I nodded, agreeing with his every word.

Zuko still protested. "No! I don't like the idea of you being Zhao's prisoner! This is not an option!"

Iroh tried to convince him for me. "Prince Zuko... You know Crystal is too short to pass for a soldier. Plus, I don't think she'll be wanting to put on armor anytime soon with those injuries. We're running out of time. This is the only option that makes sense."

"Uncle! Think about this! We have no clue what Zhao will do to her when she's his prisoner!"

Iroh tried to ease Zuko's worries. "I will be keeping watch of Zhao's movements. If he does anything to try and harm her I will step in immediately. Crystal will be fine."

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