A New Day

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Next section! The song in this one is my own!

Chapter: A New Day

Crystal POV

A kick to the shin is what brought me out of my much needed sleep. The kick was hard but not as hard as the ground I'd been forced to sleep on even after being in such horrible pain from the events of the previous day.

"Wakey-wakey, Crystal. It's a new day full of betrayal and disappointment for you."

I slowly opened my eyes to see Azula standing beside me with a wide grin. The sun seeped in through the window in the room showing me the long endless night was finally over. She crouched so she could get closer, using her elbows to steady her as they rested on her thighs. She grabbed my chain which was attached to the horrible metal collar-like cuff that had been put on my neck and attached to the wall. I could not believe they had installed such an awful contraption just for me. My hands were chained together so I could not bend easily.

"Guess who showed up last night like we all predicted?" Her question was rhetorical so I did not answer. "Your prince to the rescue," she stated having not expected a response. "Only you won't be rescued. Because Zuzu is going to finally come to his senses and remember whose side he is on." She poked at my cheek with her nail. "And you will be forced to watch him choose home over you. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Shutting my eyes again, my heart ached and my eyes filled with tears. As much as I wanted believe Zuko was here to save me, there was a dreadful feeling within me. I questioned what Zuko would choose. In this situation many would decide to return home.

She kicked me again when I did not answer. "Wake up! I mean it this time. You're wanted at breakfast. Father wants you to perform for us in the throne room." She jerked the chain and the force on my neck caused me to gasp and sit up without choice. A bowl was placed in front of me by Azula once I sat up, and I saw a gross looking mush inside. I was so hungry though, I was ready to devour it all. I went to grab it with my hands, but she slammed her foot down on the chain between my wrists and I was forced down onto my lower arms. My shoulder protested from the violent movement, and I gasped from the sharp pain. "Uh uh uh... pets don't use their hands silly..." Azula moved the bowl towards my face with her other foot. "Eat up Princess of the Southern Water Tribe."

I grit my teeth and felt the tears return. She wanted to humiliate me. She was treating me like an animal for her own entertainment.

"Azula... this is really cruel," Ty Lee suddenly spoke. I was surprised to hear her voice, and I looked over to see Mai and Ty Lee were both standing in the room by the doorway. Mai sneered at me, while Ty Lee looked concerned.

Azula scoffed. "Stop being soft, Ty Lee! Or do you want to join her?"

Ty Lee was stunned by her friends question, but fell quiet with uncertainty.

Mai stepped forward, and as she did Azula moved to the side. Azula's foot still kept my hands pinned to the ground though trapping me in my position. Mai crouched so she could see me closer. She smirked when she saw the agony cross my expression. It was only from the pain though. I was not afraid of her. "If only Zuko saw his precious fiancée now... would he love you after seeing you like this?"

Azula spoke up, "We will see very soon how much he loves her."

Mai held the bowl up then. "What are you waiting for? Aren't you hungry?"

I tried to sit up, but Azula jerked the chain attached to my neck's cuff down and I was brought closer to the awful scented gruel. "Come on Crystal," Azula chimed. "Be a good girl and eat up."

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