Family Conflictions

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Crystal POV


"No! That's my final answer! Stop asking me!"

Crossing my arms, I looked away from my brother and sister immediately knowing they would try to guilt me into going. They'd been trying to for the last two hours. Zuko stood against the wall watching the argument unfold before him anxiously. He didn't want me to go either, but he kept his mouth shut to not make matters worse. Toph and Aang seemed uncertain if they should say anything as they watched the disagreement unfold.

"You're being ridiculous!" Sokka held his hands up in the air in frustration. "It's been three years since we've seen him! You can't skip out on this!"

Darting my eyes to the map that Sokka had set on the table, I saw the black mark where the Southern Water Tribe Warriors were camped by Chameleon Bay. Only an hour earlier I'd woken from my much needed sleep to find the group was rested themselves. They'd returned to the palace last night having successfully shown the king remnants of the war and proof of Long Feng's deception. The King in return had General How search Long Feng's office and find files on everyone in Ba Sing Se. The files he found on all of us had valuable information: Toph received a letter from her mom; Aang received a note from a Guru who wanted to train him; and Sokka, Katara, and I received a map to our father.

"Crys! We have to go together! Dad will be elated to see us!" Katara held her hands together in plea.

Backing from the table and from my family, I stayed firm. "I said I'm not going. Have you all forgotten that I'm a traitor to the Water Tribe? The last thing I want is a scolding from father. Plus..." I cringed as my stomach twisted in a knot. "You and I are sixteen now, Sokka..."

A moment of silence fell over the room as this information sunk in. Sokka was surprised and so were the rest of the group.

Aang was astounded. Once he found his voice again, he asked, "What? When did that happen?"

Rubbing my arms, I answered softly, "The full moon last night marked our sixteenth year."

Aang beamed. "WHAT?! Then we should all celebrate before we leave this afternoon! Let's have a huge breakfast! No! Scratch breakfast! We'll have a huge feast for lunch to celebrate!"

Hanging my head, I thought back to my father's words so long ago.

"It's already been decided Crystal," Father snapped, tying up his bag to head out to the boats for his departure. "I don't understand why you're acting like this!"

"You can't do this to me! I'm not marrying him when I'm sixteen! You can't make me!" I stomped my foot causing the walls of the igloo to shake. Father didn't notice as he was busy trying to avoid my eyes. "This isn't fair!"

"Marriage isn't the end of the world. Your brother and sister will both eventually marry themselves. Besides, you have three years before you have to worry about that." He stood straight and turned to meet my gaze. "Areto is a kind and caring young man though. I see no reason why you should be so against marrying him. He's a handsome fellow too. Other girls younger than you would kill to be his bride."

"I don't care! I already told you yesterday that I don't have feelings for him! I'm not marrying him just because you want to tie Bato's family line with ours. This is madness!"

Father defended himself. "It has nothing to do with that." He tried to take a deep breath and calm down. "I only want you to be taken care of in the future, Crystal... Areto is willing to accept your hand. Why can't you accept his?"

Tears formed in my eyes as frustration filled me. "I don't love him! Mom always said I'll know who I want to be with for the rest of my life. I don't see myself with Areto like you want me to. Why can't you get that?"

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