Heated Battle

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For many years I always dreamed of adventure and thrill. When I was a young girl, I'd always wondered what was out there beyond the wide ocean. I didn't realize that with adventure also came danger. Currently, my danger was a middle-aged man who leered at Zuko with challenging eyes.

The young prince looked ten times whiter than he originally had, and I could tell he wasn't sure what to do. Zhao had him cornered. Zhao knew about the Avatar. The prince had just told him everything since he had no choice. My secret was out, Aang was in danger, and Zuko looked like a lost polar-pup.

"So, a twelve-year-old boy bested you and your firebenders?" Zhao narrowed his eyes at the young man. "You're more pathetic than I thought."

Zuko growled. "I underestimated him once, but it will not happen again."

Commander Zhao turned from Zuko and stared at the map on the wall. "No, it will not, because you won't have a second chance."

My eyes widened. What was Zhao saying? My blood ran cold as I tried to understand what he was saying to the young man beside me. Iroh seemed alert by Zhao's words as well, but unsure what to do or say.

"Commander Zhao, I've been hunting the Avatar for two years and I..."

Zhao turned sharply to Zuko, spitting, "And you failed! Capturing the Avatar is too important to leave in a teenager's hands. He's mine now."

No... No! Aang!

Sweat beaded down my forehead as Zhao turned to leave the tent. Zuko had jumped up from his chair and lunged at Zhao only to be restrained by the two guards in the room. Without facing the young prince, Zhao said calmly, "Keep them here." He then left the tent completely, and Zuko glared daggers at his back the whole time.

Once Zhao left the room, the guards restraining Zuko let go, and the young prince jerked away from them with outrage. He turned sharply to his uncle who had leaned forward and pressed his mouth to his folded hands.

"They can't just keep us here! I am a prince!"

Iroh sighed heavily. "You are, Zuko. But as long as you're on Zhao's naval yard you have no authority to take your ship if he's ordered it to stay. We must be patient and await further instruction. Right now it is important to keep a cool head. Don't do anything that will make your situation worse." He looked up at Zuko pleadingly. "It is best to have a seat and be patient. All we can do is wait for Zhao's order."

Zuko went to retort, but when he saw his uncle's strained expression, he let out a deep breath and his shoulders slumped. "Fine..."

A moment later Zuko returned to his chair beside me. He didn't sit down though. Instead, he passed his chair and stepped in front of me. When his hands touched my own to pry them from the chairs arms, I understood why. As soon as Zhao had started the interrogations, my nails had painfully dug into the wooden arms of the chair in both fear and dread. One of my fingers was red from rubbing against the wood, and I'd broken a nail on my middle finger. My arms shook terribly as Zuko pried my grip from the wood.

He frowned as he examined the terror that was clear on my face. "There's nothing to fear," he tried to reassure. "You're my prisoner. He can't hurt you."

My eyes snapped up to Zuko with tears. He was surprised to see me cry, but he tried to keep calm.

"What will Zhao do to him?"

My question took Zuko off guard. His brow furrowed, and then he slowly understood. He released my hands and I felt them drop limply in my lap. My whole body trembled, and I felt my lip quiver. Aang... I hadn't gotten to know the kid completely, but from what I knew he was kind and gentle. What would happen to him in the hands of a cruel man like Zhao?

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