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Crystal POV

The ship creaked and swayed as I stepped down the long dim hallway. The sound of my boots hitting the steel floor echoed around me. Others slept in the cabins surrounding me, while a few warriors stood on deck for night watch above. I'd been asleep in the cabin I was sharing with Katara, but waking from a nightmare had me restless and unable to return to my dream world.

The nightmare had been one of those that started as just a bunch of silly images and events, but then turned into something horrible. At some point in my dream, I was back on the ship that Zhao had held me prisoner on. Zhao was there, alive and as sadistic as ever. He dragged me down a dark hallway that seemed endless, and then jerked open a door that led to a large cell room. Inside the cell, the sight before me was horrifying as I saw Iroh's limp body chained to a chair bolted in the floor.

"Iroh!" I cried out, but it seemed he didn't hear me. Blood caked his face from scratches on his lips and a broken nose. His gray hair was messy and covered parts of his face.

"The great Dragon of the West... Now he's no more than a bloody worm," Zhao hissed, shoving me in the room.

Falling on the floor, I'd quickly scrambled to my feet and raced over to him. "Iroh!"

He looked up at me with hazy gold eyes, but then dropped his head again. "Leave..." He ordered with a broken voice. "Get out of here, Crystal."

"No... I won't leave you," I cried, trying to pull at the chains around his wrists.

"Pity," Azula suddenly chimed from behind. Shivers raced through my spine, and I turned my gaze to see her standing in the spot Zhao had been. "You can die with him then." She grinned and grabbed the steel door. Then she shut it and darkness fell over us.

"NO!" I raced forward, but fire suddenly shot up in my path and I was forced back. Iroh's scream from behind caused me to turn back towards him only to see his whole body was surrounded by fire. "IROH!"

The agonizing scream of Iroh was what woke me from my horrible dream. After lying on my cot for a while to catch my breath, I finally decided the room I was in was too claustrophobic and I made my escape without waking Katara.

As I reached the stairwell that led up on deck, I clutched the metal rail in confliction. We'd been aboard the Fire Nation vessel my father and his men had apprehended for a week now. Being on the ship brought back memories about my time with Iroh and Zuko back on their own vessel. As I moved along the similarly structured hallways, and felt a sense of Deja vu, the memories turned into nightmares the closer we got to the Fire Nation.

Heading up the stairs, I pushed open the steel door and felt a blast of cool air hit my face. Stepping onto the deck of the ship, I saw stars surround us as we pushed through the ocean's waters. Walking over to the ship's rail, I clutched the steel frame and shut my eyes as sea mist brushed against my face. My heart ached though as images from my dream replayed in my head.

Everything had happened so fast after Ba Sing Se, but there was always a part of my mind that kept aware of Iroh's situation. Iroh had sacrificed himself to help us escape that night, and I knew there was no way he'd defeated all of Azula's followers on his own. He was most definitely apprehended and being carted back to the Fire Nation. I feared what the Fire Lord would do to him once he was brought within the walls of the palace. Iroh had always been so kind and caring towards me, and the moment he needed me most I could do nothing to help him.

Grabbing my hair, I felt tears escape my eyes as my heart was heavy with concern. "Iroh... I'm sorry..."

A memory fell over me of our time together long ago, just a few weeks after Zuko had captured me from my home. I remember sitting with Iroh up on deck as we watched Zuko practice his firebending with another member of the crew. We were sipping on some tea, courtesy of Jiho the ship cook, and Iroh seemed at peace as his nephew grunted and yelled from the attacks he sent towards his opponent.

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