3. Goodbye

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"She was a ray of sunshine, a warm summer rain, a bright fire on a cold winter's day, and now she could be dead because she had tried to save the man she loved." ― Grace Willows

The Protector

"We, therefore, commit these bodies to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life." The priest closed his Bible and there was a moment of silence before the three-volley-salute was ignited and finalised by the folding of the flags.

I bowed my head, feeling numb throughout the entirety of my body.

I couldn't even look as Will accepted the folded flag, his entire body shaking with his sobs as JJ's body was lowered into the ground. Her kids watched on, sobbing quietly.

No words were spoken as Dave's daughter, Joy, also accepted the folded flag and bowed her head respectfully, tears dripping from her chin onto the fabric.

The crowd began dispersing and I turned, taking measured and shaking steps over the uneven grass towards the footpath.

"Spencer!" My heart fell and sick rose in my throat as I heard Will pushing through people to get to me.

"Spencer you son-of-a-bitch, stay right there!" He hollered, and I froze in my tracks.

"Don't rise to him, Spencer." Beth's calming voice reassured me as she rubbed at my arms.

"Just what in the hell do you think you're playing at, huh?" Will snapped, spinning me around forcefully.

"You think she's better than my Jen?" He drawled.

"What are you talking about, Will?" I half-whispered.

"You know this is Melanie's fault!" He yelled, attracting the attention of onlooking mourners. "My Jen shouldn't be in the fucking ground, man!" He sobbed, his face a mask of heartache.

I dipped my head, looking down at my feet.

"Fucking look at me, you son-of-a-bitch." He shoved me hard and Beth hissed.

"Will, c'mon, please." Aaron said calmly, stepping forward to my other side.

"Don't you fucking dare," He said, pointing a finger at Aaron. "You're just as much to blame as he is," Will said, gesturing to me. "You think you're above everybody else, my Jen and Dave gotta share a funeral, and Melanie, she's what? Lying in a morgue somewhere better?" He scoffed and shook his head.

"Melanie isn't dead!" I blurted, my temper flaring. "We don't have her body," I continued as Will laughed at me without humour. "We can't bury her without her body."

"Oh, and you think Dave had a body after that fucking blast?" Will spat angrily.

"No, we couldn't even have an open casket because there was barely anything left of their bodies you stupid motherfucker-"

"Enough!" Morgan's voice came from beside us and I glanced up to see Penelope pushing his wheelchair towards us. The pair had tear-stained cheeks, and Morgan was sporting a cast on his left leg and left arm.

"You really think JJ would want us fighting like this?" Morgan shouted. "They're gone, man, all three of 'em," He added more calmly as Will and I both bowed our heads again.

"There ain't nothin' bringin' any of them back, all we gotta do now is move on," His voice cracked and he dipped his head to swipe at his eye from beneath his sunglasses. "Three sets of kids are without parents, now," He said quietly. "Let's not humiliate them by giving 'em a stupid fucking show." He waved forward and Penelope began pushing him towards the cars, away from us.

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