12. Safety

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"I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt; I fear; I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul." ― Bram Stoker

The Fighter

I collapsed into his arms, unable to move another step as my heart simultaneously shattered and repaired itself all in the one moment.

I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't lift my head to his, I couldn't move any part of my body as he held me, sobbing into my hair over and over, his arms holding me on the beechwood floor of the property I'd bought all of those months ago now.

Moments later, my family were around me too, Jack dropping to the floor, sliding on the polished surface, throwing his arms around me, my dad and Beth on their knees too, everyone sobbing and holding me, disbelieving what was going on.

I think at some point, I must've passed out, because suddenly I was laying on the kitchen counter, and hands were fussing over me, ripping open the parka I was wearing.

I frantically jolted, unsure of what was going on, whimpering and wincing, smacking hands away.

"Ssh, Melanie it's okay, it's just me, you're okay, you're safe, relax, we have to see where you're wounded." Spencer's voice was calming and reassuring, but I couldn't see through the blackness, my eyes still couldn't open and I was tired... oh so tired...

The Protector

She fell limp in our arms and I pulled back.

"She's unconscious, something's wrong." I said, holding her at arm's length to see her floppy and bloody.

"Jack, get the lights, Aaron, we have to help her." I said, getting to my feet and pulling her into my arms.

"Here." Aaron said, patting the kitchen counter.

"I'll make sure Tilly doesn't wake." Beth said frantically, sniffling and swiping at her tears as she slid across the floor to the stairs.

"What the fuck?" Jack cursed, approaching us at the counter to take a better look at Melanie as I laid her down and Aaron flicked on all of the lights.

"Jack, get the curtains." Aaron snapped, throwing an arm out towards the wall covered in floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall glass.

Jack skidded on the floor as he ran to do as he was instructed, Aaron and I glancing down at the broken woman in front of us.

"My poor baby..." Aaron cried, his hand running over her skeletal face.

She's lost a ridiculous amount of weight since she'd last been in our lives, her skin stretched and papery across her bones. Her eyes were sunken and there were dark shadows and bruises under her eyes, her lip badly cut and swollen, scars slashing the sides of her once perfect face.

One of her earlobes was completely cut off, the other ear chopped significantly at the very top.

"Where is she hurt?" Aaron asked as I stared at my beautiful wife, realising that she no longer had her wedding ring on her finger.

"Melly..." I whispered. "What've they done to you?" My tears fell onto her dirty clothes, her arms hanging down off the edges of the counter.

"We have to get this off, check her over." Aaron sniffled, gesturing to her coat.

"Tilly's fine, she's out cold." Beth said, approaching us, clutching her robe tighter.

As I reached to help Aaron bring Mel's arms out of her parka, she jolted awake, yelling and crying.

"It's okay, ssh, Melanie..." I whispered, my hands fanning over her as Aaron jumped back, shocked.

"It's okay, it's just me, you're okay, you're safe..." I swore to her, her eyes large and frantic as she searched around the room in a panicked blaze.

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