37. Flashbacks

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The following chapter is different to usual. All of the Point of Views will be in varying timelines, providing memories and accounts which haven't been shared before. Alongside each POV heading there will be a line to explain what the situation is, along with the year of when the memory occurred. Any questions - drop a comment! :) x


When Kate Joyner met Aaron Hotchner
Kate's Perspective

"Alright team," I called out and everyone turned to watch me, their bored expressions and judgemental gazes just a thing I was accustomed to these days.

"You know the drill, we have an," I looked down at my clipboard in front of me and back up at my team. "Aaron Hotchner from the FBI joining us over the next couple of days. He's going to be teaching us about psychological profiling and why it's so important in modern-day policing."

"Psycho what now?"

"Psycho who-ha."

"Mumbo jumbo to me."

"Right lads, easy now," I called, silencing the laughter that followed. "There's pressure from the government to make sure this relationship is a strong one, so don't let me down, kay?" My team looked at each other and I winked. "Next time you see me, I'll be with Agent Hotchner, so be on your best behaviours."

I set my clipboard down and turned on my heel and left the department, clicking along the corridor, revelling in the "good morning ma'ams" I received as I went.

This was still a new role, I wasn't entirely comfortable with it, but I was learning and adapting, and stamping out the jealousy at my rapid ascent through the Met's ranks.

"Aaron Hotchner?" I called into the waiting room, my eyes scanning the front foyer of the police station.

There, staring at me wondrously, was a young man dressed in a brown suit, a brown leather briefcase and smart brogues.

He had a wisp of black hair and dark eyes, high cheekbones and a firm jaw-line. As he got to his feet, straightening his tie, I realised he was tall. And incredibly handsome.

My mind whirred as I realised that this could be it, I could potentially have my way in.

"I'm Kate Joyner," I said, extending my hand. "Thank you so much for travelling all this way, we're really appreciative to have you liaising with us."

He shook my hand firmly with a serious expression, not even smiling as he said,

"You're most welcome, officer."

And there it was. The blatant sexism and misogyny that I knew would always challenge me. But, when I was still using my sexuality to get me places, I guess I was also a part of the problem.

We were walking back along the corridor I'd just come from, and people were nodding and saying 'good morning ma'am' as we walked.

"Actually, sir, I'm the Commander," I took pleasure in telling him, shooting him a smile and watching as he squirmed, his mouth parting in surprise. "I'm the one who invited you."

There was a long silence as we pushed into the department with little desk docks and marker boards.

In my head, I prayed he wouldn't ask how I got the role. That would be an embarrassing story I would have to lie about.

"I'm terribly sorry, Commander," He apologised as I marched him to the front of the room. "I had no idea."

I smirked and inclined my head, folding my arms as I rounded on him.

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