9. Run

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"There is a loveliness to life that does not fade. Even in the terrors of the night, there is a tendency toward grace that does not fail us." ― Robert Goolrick.

The Fighter

I tightened my seat belt as Caitlyn glared through the windscreen at Kate.

"We're both dead for this." She muttered under her breath, before flinging the car into reverse and propelling the car backwards, around the side of the building.

We smashed through gates and into the back car-park, Kate hot in pursuit.

Caitlyn threw the car into a screeching circle and flung us forwards, driving straight around the back of the building in a huge loop, crashing through the other side gates and back around the front of the building.

It was completely dark, the clock on the dash telling me it was two in the morning.

She screamed down what appeared to be the main street of a small village, Kate's tyres squealing as she raced after us.

At the end of the village, the road stretched before us in nothing but endless, deadly country roads.

"Be careful." I hissed under my breath as Caitlyn pushed the SUV faster and faster, propelling us forwards at a rate that made my stomach flip and my bloody blunt fingernails dig into the seat.

Neither of us said anything as Kate chased after us, honking on her horn and flashing her lights, the road bending this way and that as we crashed through the silent and pitch-dark country roads.

I remembered when we'd spend days on stake-outs together when we worked for Interpol, those days always ending in hot-pursuit car-chases with Caitlyn driving just as skillfully as she was now.

She was one of the best interceptors I'd known.

Now, I could only hazard a guess that we were in England. And I had no idea how we'd gotten here.

Had I really been so unconscious and out of it that I hadn't realised we'd flown from the US?

How did we get here? Did we take a commercial flight? Surely not, surely someone would've noticed me half-dead at the airport.

And what if we'd driven? How long would that have taken? Could we have even driven from the states to the UK?

Everything was racing through my mind, so much so that I became somewhat oblivious to the frantic car-chase that was happening.

Kate had crashed into the back of our car a few times as we'd slowed to take bends more carefully, but then we'd galloped away when she'd skidded on the edge of a steep hill, and knew she couldn't pursue us like that forever.

"Hang on." Caitlyn warned, lowering the gears before cranking them back up, slamming on the accelerator as she gunned the car for the end of the country road.

"Caitlyn..." I warned, thinking of how tragic it would be if I escaped custody and died on the roadside.

Endless black droned on in front of us, and if it wasn't for Caitlyn's full-beam fog-lights, I doubt we would've seen the drastic bend curving on a sharp left.

But, Caitlyn had clearly been expecting this as she swung the steering wheel, slamming on the brake and screeching around the tight bend, Kate whirring forwards and smashing straight onto an oncoming vehicle.

"What the fuck!" I screamed as Caitlyn galloped off.

I flung my head around to desperately peer out of the back window, to see Kate clambering out of the vehicle as smoke spiralled upwards.

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