30. Infiltration

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"How can you have a war on terrorism when war itself is terrorism?" ― Howard Zinn

The Fighter

Trying to get into the heart of DC was like trying to get into the White House itself. There were roadblocks and agents everywhere. And due to the fact that we were technically wanted, we had to use the motorcycles on side-walks and back-streets to try and avoid the traffic and cops.

Don't get us wrong, they still made an attempt to chase and stop us, but with our determination and the severity of the situation, of course we were able to slip through.

It took us far longer than anticipated, but eventually the entire team reconvened in the underground parking garage next to the Octagon Museum.

"Where's Emily?" I asked as soon as I got off the bike Spencer and I were riding.

"I don't know, the line's dead." Jason shrugged worriedly. He was an odd shade of pale and looked like he may pass out.

I'd never seen him like this. Not only that, but I'd never seen Darren like that, either. I was convinced the Jones family were incapable of that level of emotion.

"When did you last hear from her?" Spencer asked, rubbing his jaw worriedly.

"Hours ago... It's taken us too long to get here." Jason grumbled.

"Garcia says the cell Emily was using is dead and they're trying to report survivors," My dad said, approaching us with his phone pressed to his ear.

"So far they're struggling."

"Survivors?" I choked, my eyes filling with tears.

"Struggling?" Jason echoed and my dad nodded.

"The missile pretty much destroyed the vicinity." He explained. He then paused and threw up a hand to keep us from speaking.

"What's going on?" I asked after a few moments, my dad's face a ghastly grey colour.

In that moment voices echoed from the entrance of the garage, and we recognised them to be authoritative voices.

"They're scoping the area for the bombers. If they catch us, they'll assume it was us. We need to move." My dad hissed, cutting the cell and hurrying for the fire exit behind us.

We each followed and hurried out of the garage, knowing that we wouldn't be able to return for our bikes anytime soon.

Dad had driven, and was laden down with two bags filled with ammo and weapons. He was the only one who had taken a car, and I'd been shocked to learn he'd made it into DC before us.

But then, that was my dad, never failing to catch us by surprise.

The Protector

We were huddled behind a truck about a block away from the White House, the sounds of helicopters and sirens almost deafening.

The streets were silent and empty of civilians, the sound of footfall echoing along to us as the army and security services were deployed around Capitol Hill.

We were silent as we organised comms and Aaron passed out the ammo. We were already laden with knives and hand-guns, but the weapons Aaron had in his bags, weren't entirely government-approved. But then, I wasn't about to ask Jason and Darren's friends where they'd gotten them.

Everyone had come, Darren's team of burly men and Jason's gang of ruffians, everyone was here together, and it sort of brought a lump to my throat, knowing that this was all because of Mel and I.

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