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"MEL!" I yelled, the smoke and fire filling my lungs.

Carnage, everywhere.

The fire was hot against my face as I scrambled to my feet, unsteady and weary.

"Aaron, where's Mel?!" I yelled, helping him to his feet.

"I..." He stuttered, holding his head where a nasty gash was oozing blood.

I looked around me, unable to see anything through the fog, dirt and smoke.

All around us was burning now, half of the building completely missing and all of the furniture in ashes.

The fire alarm was blaring around us, the sounds of cries and whimpers audible.

"What happened?" Aaron choked from beside me, and I turned in time to see his eyes refocus as his own hearing returned to normal.

A few feet from me, I could see JJ trapped underneath rubble, blood pooling beneath her head.

"JJ..." I mumbled, struggling over the debris of upturned tables and broken chairs.

I cut my knees and palms on shattered glass.

She didn't move from under my hands as Aaron and I pulled the rubble from her body.

"NO!" A scream pierced through the shrieking of the alarm and the cries around us.

"Mel!" I called, completely forgetting about JJ as I pulled myself over the debris, Aaron in hot pursuit.

"What the hell happened?" Emily groaned, crawling to her feet as we climbed out of the BAU and into the dimly-lit foyer where the blaring alarms were louder.

Red alarm-lights gave the foyer an eerie glow, but thankfully there was less debris here.

As the three of us pushed out into the foyer, Morgan was already stood with his gun trained on someone out of our sights, his left arm hanging badly gashed by his side, his left leg twisted at an odd angle.

"Let her go." He was saying calmly as we joined him, bloody and breathless.

I scrambled for my gun as I turned my eyes on the perp, holding Melanie by the hair, a gun to her throat.

"Wait, no-" I yelled, but it was far too late, the sound of the gun firing met my ears at the exact same instant that all of the life drained from the world.

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