8. Salt

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"War always reaches the depths of horror because of idiots who perpetuate terror from generation to generation under the pretext of vengeance." ― Guy Sajer

The Father

"Where is he? Where's my son?" I demanded in a panicked voice, marching along the corridor towards the doctors and nurses stood at the reception desk.

"Mr Hotchner, your son is fine," One of the doctors turned to me and began waving her hands slowly in a calming motion. "He's in shock, but medically, he's fine."

"Can we see him?" Beth asked worriedly, her face stained with tears.

"Soon," The doctor explained. "As I said, he's still in shock."

"And Spencer?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest, my frown beginning to hurt my face.

The doctor sighed and rubbed a hand against her jaw.

"Dr Reid sustained the most significant injuries. Jack was protected from the blast due to his positioning behind the car. Dr Reid, however, was facing the blast directly, and was propelled backwards into the car..."

"Is he okay?" Beth pressed eagerly.

"He should be fine," The doctor said reluctantly. "With some physiotherapy and time to rest, yes," She nodded. "Right now, it looks worse than it is. He sustained some back injuries due to the impact against the car, we won't know how damaging they are until he's able to walk."

"He's unable to walk?" I choked.

"At the moment, he's in far too much pain to attempt that. Once he's rested and over the shock, we'll get him on his feet and re-evaluate his medical stance then."

"When will we be able to see him?" Beth asked and the doctor turned to the station where the nurses were waiting.

They had a short conversation and the doctor turned to me.

"Mr Hotchner, you can see Jack now."

"And me?" Beth choked desperately.

"If you would like to follow me, ma'am, I'll take you to Dr Reid." One of the nurses turned from the station and smiled at Beth.

She looked up at me frantically and I smiled, gesturing for her to follow the nurse as he turned and led the way along the corridor. We shared a quick kiss and I hurriedly followed the doctor in pursuit of Jack.

"Dad!" He exclaimed as I entered the room.

"Oh, Jack!" I gasped, hurrying to his side to hug him. "I've been so worried. Are you okay?"

"I don't know what happened," He said frantically, shaking his head. I shushed him and observed his pale face. There were a few scratches on his cheek and arms, but nothing too damaging.

"I think someone bombed the house," He added in shock. "Shouldn't you be over there?" He added.

"Absolutely not," I blurted. "Not whilst you're in here."

"But dad, you have to get over there. The evidence, Melanie, the computer, you have to-"

"Jack," I shushed, holding his arms. "Jack listen to me," I said calmly and forcefully. "You have to remain calm, everything is okay."

"No, but dad, you need to get over there. Spencer was going to-" He cut himself off and looked behind me panicked. "Where's Spencer?" Realisation dawned on him and his eyes filled with tears. "Is he...?"

I shook my head.

"Spencer will be fine, Beth's with him just now. His injuries look worse than they are."

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