16. Plan

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"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly." ― Franz Kafka

The Fighter

I'd awoken from my nap with Tilly and had some food with the family, Jason and Jimmy. We were waiting with baited breath on Emily contacting us, and I knew that Spencer and my dad were going back to work around lunchtime.

It was tough, and I was terrified. But we needed answers, and they were our inside men. Now we had to establish who their inside men were.

"Melanie," Beth said in that motherly tone of hers, approaching with a displeased expression. "You can't just stand by the window all day, moping. C'mon, they'll be home in a few hours."

I smiled and nodded, allowing her to guide me towards the sofa, away from the window. Tilly was sat on the floor with her dolls, and Jack was in his room calling a friend.

"I know," I sighed. "I'm sorry..." I was chewing on my bottom lip nervously, and I could taste blood. "I'm just a little anxious."

"What's anxious?" Tilly echoed immediately, her expression curious and innocent.

"It's like butterflies in your tummy." I smiled, sliding off the sofa to join her on the floor.

"Why do you have butterflies in your tummy?" She asked, crinkling her nose in confusion.

"I guess I'm just being silly." I shrugged, and picked up one of her dolls.

"Her name's Lois." Tilly grinned and I mirrored it, marvelling in her beauty, disbelieving that I actually participated in the creation of such a wonderful miracle.


Dinner was strange. We were all sitting around the dining table, minus my dad and Spencer, no one saying anything, just waiting on the phone ringing or the door opening.

Jack had been on the phone most of the afternoon whilst Jason and Jimmy 'ran a few errands', whatever that meant.

Beth and I had spent the full day playing with Tilly, until early evening when Beth had gone to make dinner, and I had continued with Tilly's dolls and cars, us dressing up in superhero costumes which we were still dressed in as we ate dinner.

"Jason," Tilly said in her sweet voice, all innocence and curiosity. "Who's your favourite superhero?"

Jason smirked and thought for a moment or two.

"Batman." He said after a pause. Jimmy sniggered but Jason shot him a deadly glare, making us all smirk into our dinners.

"He's not a superhero, he's a bad guy!" Tilly laughed.

"No, he's a good guy, he just does some things in a bad way." Jason shrugged and Tilly frowned in confusion for a moment or two.

"Uncle Jack!" She thrilled. "What's yours?"

"Grandpops," Jack smiled without missing a beat. "He's my favourite superhero."

"My grandpops?" Tilly gasped, her entire face in complete awe. "Grandpops is a superhero?"

I grinned and brushed the hair from her face, watching her in her surprise.

"Of course he is, baby-love." I smiled.

"Your mommy and daddy are superheroes, too." Jack nodded. "Remember what I taught you?" He grinned and Tilly shook her head, her nose wrinkling again.


Tilly opened her mouth to reply but was cut short as the sound of the front door opening had us all in motion.

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