21. Tension

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"And that's the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too." ― Khaled Hosseini.

The Fighter

"I don't know why you didn't just let me put a bullet in her skull." I sulked, my arms folded as we watched Dylan through the two-way mirror.

My dad gave me his famous side-eye and I huffed.

"What happened to keeping them stewing for information?" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, okay, whatever. As long as I get to shoot her eventually, that's all I ask." I joked, leaning against the wall and running my hands over my face.

"I know this is stressful," My dad said calmly, approaching me to put a caring hand on my shoulder. "But we're all in it with you. You're not alone this time."

I smiled and hugged him tightly, breathing in his familiar, comforting scent.

"Thanks, dad." I sighed into his shoulder and relaxed a little.

The door to the room opened and Spencer stood holding his mobile.

"It's time for the check-in." He smiled apologetically and I nodded, sighing, and followed him from the room.

He didn't say anything, he just reached forward and laced our fingers together comfortingly.

Back in the conference room, Jason and Jack were waiting for us.

"Are the other's not back yet?" I asked curiously.

"They're just leaving Dylan's flat." Jason explained and I nodded, taking a seat at the table.

"You okay, Mel?" Jack asked worriedly, a small smile on his face.

"I'm okay, Captain," I nodded. "Just looking forward to this all being over, that's all."

He nodded sympathetically and Spencer dialled the number before placing the mobile in front of us.

"Where's Annie?" I asked worriedly, spinning around in my seat cautiously.

"She went with Garcia to do the food run." Spencer said calmly, a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded in relief and ran my nails across my head.

"How's things?" Darren's voice came from the phone and I breathed a sigh of relief, at least things on the inside were okay.

"Stressful," I laughed without humour. "We pulled in the folks we think are double agents."

"Already? That's great." Darren said from the other line.

"We haven't started interrogations yet," Spencer explained. "But when we swept their apartments we found concealed boxes rigged to explode, they had their cell-phones inside."

"Ooh explosives," Darren sang. "Sexy."

"Hardly," I choked, Spencer's cheeks blushing. "We almost died trying to remove one from a flat."

"Well that's your own fault," Darren chuckled. "Christ Mel, Interpol and FBI and you thought you'd be able to just walk out of there with a concealed box," Darren chuckled. "Damn you really are losing it."

"Shut your mouth," I snapped impatiently.

"Remember who's getting you out of there, sunshine."

"Wow, someone is tetchy," Darren's voice huffed on the other line. "Are we any further forward on the plans?"

"No," Jason said, leaning forward towards the phone.

"We still don't know how to get you outta there, mate," Jason said apologetically. "We have a few options, we're working on it."

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