20. B*tch

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"For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first." ― Suzanne Collins.

The Fighter

The following morning, Spencer and I got dressed whilst watching each other with dark eyes and secretive smirks, knowing that no matter what happened today, we had secret moments and hidden touches that would take us straight back to last night and the intimacy we'd shared.

I was thankful for Spencer's hand or lips pressed over my mouth to conceal my moans the night before, otherwise breakfast that morning would've been a hell of a lot more awkward than what it actually was.

"Why am I nervous about what to wear?" Jack groaned as we ate breakfast whilst preparing for the day.

What that actually entailed was rather hilarious.

The dining table was covered in guns and ammunition, different sized knives and a few sets of handcuffs, a taser and a pepper spray, a few rape alarms and mini GPS trackers in key rings.

"It's understandable." I shrugged, chewing on some toast as Spencer's hands gripped my waist gently as he brushed behind me to get to the other side of the dining table.

His hands lingered on my waist and goosebumps rose on the back of my neck.

"It's a big day for you, bud," Jason nodded. "You're joining the big guys now." He smirked and I laughed.

"I'm not sure the Bureau are the big guys." I admitted.

"I wasn't talking about them," Jason said, shaking his head. "I was talking about you guys."

"And you." Spencer nodded, loading a gun and sliding it into the back of his trousers.

The image of him hurrying to undo them last night flashed into my head and I shook it to clear it, nodding in agreement with Spencer as I turned back to Jason, pleased that the pair of them were getting along now.

"What you're wearing is fine," I said to Jack, resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "As long as you're prepared, you're fine." I smiled, reaching to hand him a gun.

"I don't know Melanie..." He said, shaking his head.

"It's okay, this one, you're licenced for. You don't need to use it, it's only for protection."

He took it and slid it into his trousers as we all loaded up and shrugged into our jackets.

"We ready?" I asked with a gulp, looking at them all in turn. They nodded and so did I.

"Let's go."

The Protector

Melanie had called the rest of the teams to check in on the plan and confirm that I'd be working with her, Jack, Jimmy and Jason. Peters and Penelope were a little nervous, but pleased that I was sticking with Mel - more protection and security ensuring that there was no way she could disappear again.

We didn't want to freak them out, but two of Jason's men were also going to be tailing Peters and Penelope, for some added weight in case Dylan refused to go along with their plan.

Our team was split into three parts; Jason and Jack in the SUV, Jimmy on his motorcycle, and Melanie and I on hers.

I tried to conceal my thoughts as my arms wrapped around her tight and firm body, leather rubbing against leather, reminding me of our skin sliding together the night previous.

I cleared my throat and was thankful for the helmet and the whir of the wind and the engine as we rode through the streets, adrenaline coursing through my body, again reminding me of the night previous.

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