Chapter 21 - The Anticipation Was Killing Her

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"If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life..."

"Chocolate," Charlie interrupted Cassius through the phone. "The answer is chocolate. I'm eating some right now."

"Wow," he said, impressed at her certainty. "Now I know what to get you for our monthiversary."

She laughed. "What's a monthiversary?"

"It's the anniversary of our first month going out, Charlie," he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Duh," she played along. "That's definitely a thing."

"I mean I guess it's a little weird to celebrate our monthiversary when I haven't even kissed you yet," he continued casually.

She nearly choked on her Hershey's Bar. "Uh, *cough* yeah. When are we gonna do that?"

"Oh it's comin'," he said knowingly.

Cassius had this way of making her feel nervous and safe at the same time. He would say things occasionally that would make the butterflies in her stomach go nuts. On the other hand, they had been going out for three weeks, and he had yet to kiss her. That's not to say he wasn't affectionate, he said sweet things and held her hand all the time. There was something really nice about the fact that he was waiting for their first kiss, almost like he was trying to set the precedent that he wouldn't try to go too fast.

But also, at the same time, the anticipation was killing her.

Finally, one night when he dropped her off after they had gone on another date, it happened. He walked her to her steps like he usually did. They hugged, like they usually did. He slid his hands down her arms.

"Goodnight Charlie," he said.

"Night Cash," she replied, turning to walk to her door.

He caught her right hand just before it slipped out of reach, and pulled her back to him. She saw his sly smile right before he put his hand under her chin, lifting up her face to his. After the kiss ended, they stayed close, foreheads touching.

"Did it," he said, smiling again.

"Finally," she said, absolutely beaming.

She watched him walk away. He did one of those fist pump things you do when you win something. She covered her mouth so he wouldn't hear her laugh. 

****What did you guys think of their first kiss? Sure took long enough, didn't it?

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