Chapter 26 - Leaving

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Charlie didn't attend Cassius' graduation. It wasn't some big, horrible thing that she didn't go, she was actually kind of relieved. She hadn't met his parents yet. Cassius wasn't hiding her from them, or anything. He just had more freedom than other teenagers. His parents had more money than Charlie's family, and they had bought him his own car. When it came to his life, they didn't really interfere, as long as he didn't get into trouble.

She was going to have to meet them sometime, though. Cassius told her they were taking him to dinner to celebrate his graduation, and that he could bring whoever he wanted. He thought it was the perfect opportunity for her to finally meet them, so she agreed to go.

He picked her up and drove her to the restaurant. Her heart was pounding the entire car ride over. She was trying not to sweat, so she rolled down the window, but the wind messed up her hair, so she rolled it back up again.

He held her hand reassuringly as they walked in. It was a super nice restaurant in the marina, with an outdoor deck overlooking the bay. His parents were already seated, but they stood up to greet them when Charlie and Cassius reached the table. His dad shook her hand and his mom kissed her on the cheek.

Charlie started to calm down after a couple minutes. His parents were really nice people, which was no surprise to her. His mom was a doctor, and his dad made documentaries. He encouraged Cassius to pursue the arts. Cassius was actually going to the Art Institute in Bridgeport next year, something which relieved Charlie immensely. They didn't have to break up because they would be in the same city.

"Cassius, I think it's time we give you your graduation present," his mom said.

"Sweet! Where is it?" he asked, looking around the table, expecting to see a gift.

His mom looked at Charlie, and then looked at his dad. Charlie couldn't read her facial expression.

She handed him a pamphlet. "It's a trip, Cassius. We signed you up for the program at the Art Institute where you can study abroad for the summer semester... you'll get to travel all over Europe for two months."

Charlie's stomach dropped.

Cassius' eyes grew wide. "What?"

His dad put his hand on Cassius' shoulder. "We know how much you want to travel, this seemed like a great opportunity."

"Right..." Cassius said, but he was mostly speechless. He just stared at the pamphlet in his hand.

Charlie scooted her seat back. "Excuse me for a moment," she mumbled.

She practically ran to the bathroom, trying to hold in her tears. She burst through the door and made a beeline for one of the stalls.

He was leaving.

For two months.

He was going to go on an amazing, life-changing trip with other college students.

Charlie couldn't breathe. 

**So sorry about this cliffhanger! What do you think is gonna happen between Charlie and Cassius now?

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