Chapter 29 - Dear Charlie

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"And then he just WALKED AWAY," Charlie fumed to Alex in the car.

Alex shook her head. "Dang, I am so glad neither of us picked that boy."

"I know right? Like, who does that?" Charlie continued, still so angry that she was unable to form a more intelligent sentence.

Alex dropped her off at her house after they trash talked Tony a little more. Charlie was feeling a little better after getting it off her chest. She stopped to check the mail before she went inside. She sorted through it, even though she nearly never got any mail herself. To her surprise, there was an envelope there, addressed to her. It was from Cassius. She tore it open immediately and read.

Dear Charlie,

Day 1. The only good thing about this day is, it means we're closer to seeing each other again than we were yesterday. I told you I was going to think about you every day, so I figured I should also show you. I'm going to send you a letter every day that I'm gone. And every day I'm going to tell you one thing I love about you, until I get to see you again. So, here's todays:

I love how kind you are.

Love you,


Charlie's heart nearly burst after reading the words on the page. This was possibly the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her. He had sent her a letter. Not a text, not a DM... a handwritten letter. She could faint right here in her kitchen.

Over the coming days, more letters arrived, just like Cassius said. Some of the things he loved about her: how funny she was, the way she laughed, her taste in music, the fact that she was always up to try new things, her style, how much she loved to read, the fact that she always knew what she wanted to order at a restaurant before anyone else. It was a collection of things big and small, things that you have to truly be looking to see, that made up who she was. 

**What do you guys think of Cassius' letters?? Hopefully they'll get Charlie through the summer until he comes back!

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