1 Year Anniversary~

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"Hey guys I'm back and hello to all of you who are new to my twitch streams my name is [f/n] [l/n] and as you all know, ITS MY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY ON TWITCH!!!" you yelled at the beginning of your stream

Seeing the chat go crazy warmed your heart.

"I'd like to thank every body who has been here with me from the beginning and all the new comers too because you all make me super happy and I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you so much, adding onto that what do you guys want me to do to celebrate today??" You asked your viewers.

You had always been so open with your viewers, going on and on about how you hung out with your friends, how your day was, how your cat was doing, and most of all your struggles.... how your parents were always picking fights with you, how your grades were dropping, and how you were single~.

The chat went crazy with ideas till one caught everyone's attention "You should go on a dating site for gamers!!"

Everyone wanted you to be happy and wanted you to find someone that could make you even happier, that could help you with your problems and that could make you feel special. So you decided to do it not only for you but for them too. They loved you so much it was crazy it made your heart beat faster.

After making your account you confirmed with them and logged into your Valorant account and played a couple of matches while talking to your viewers about how excited you were and how it made you feel for them to want to see you be even happier than you already were.

[Time skip: 2 days later]

You had chatted with a lot of people but none of them peaked your interests they were all the same. Bland.

They all had that weird vibe to them that you just couldnt accept so you decided to announce later today on your stream that the app was a fail and you were gonna delete your account.

As you got ready to start your stream you set up your pc, made sure the lighting was good and thought of the best way to announce that it didnt work without letting your viewers notice that your disappointed, to your suprise it was time to start the stream already.

3... 2... 1... Go.

"Hey guys welcome back to my stream last time I was on you guys had me join a gamers match making site, and well to put it bluntly it didnt work" you stated and the chat started going crazy with "I'm so sorry" "sorry" "were sorry-" but you told them not to worry as you were opening minecraft on your PC and as soon as you were about to load your world a notification pops up on your screen...


"@kzm_knm wants to chat!"

His profile picture, was that really him?? He looked so ethereal like he was an angel.

So mesmerized by his beauty you forgot you were live and streaming your screen and proceeded to click the message

The chat stayed quiet realizing how you found an interest in this guy the message he sent read:

Kzme_knm: Heyy we have the same tastes in games maybe we have the same taste in other things... wanna get to know each other?

You never put any mention into the fact that you were kind of well known twitch streamer on your bio so it wouldnt attract people who wanted to use you to get famous so that couldnt be it... if that guy was really the same guy as the one he was as his profile picture then does he really have an interest in me? You thought to yourself...

As you were about to start typing you see the chat go crazy...







"why do I feel like I'm third wheeling"

You realized and remembered that you were live and everyone could see your screen... embarrased you started mixing up your words and shuddering

"I- uhhh, well you see- I HAVE TO GO NOW SORRT PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR ENDING THIS STREAM SO FAST BYEEE LOVE YOU ALL" you yell, surprised that the last part was said without a single studder

Your face was glowing red...

Now how to respond...

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[A/N] Ok so bear with me idk how wattpad works ummm...

[Credits to the artist of the picture above this... idk who it is my friend sent me this picture on Instagram so if you know please let me know so I can credit them properly ^^]

Yeah so like if theres a typo and I'm able to edit this I will or if theres a non gender neutral term I will try to fix it to make everyone comfortable and make sure you guys have a fun time reading this. And that it makes you feel better and not uncomfortable 😀😀

Yeahhhh but where my kenma kinnies at 👀👀

Please please let this get at least 5 readerss all mighty Kenma,
Our lord
Our savior
Out prince
Our everything.

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