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It's been like 3 month since the whole ex thing happened he left you alone after the. The hate he got from your fans and supporters was too much for him he decided to just drop it and forget you.

You were better off that way being happy with kenma, not having to deal with him. Kenma loved everything about you... your personality, your sense of humor, your laugh, your smile, your looks, even the things that you didnt like about yourself like your scars, your voice, your looks.

He loved you for you, and you loved everything about him too.

Everything was perfect.

[Time skip: a year]

You've now been with Kenma for a while and you've grown even closer, you really did love each other.

Kenma had asked you to get ready and you obliged.

The only thing you could think about while you were picking out an outfit was where he was taking you.

Despite that you got ready as fast as possible and met him in the living room he was sitting on the couch waiting for you.

"You look amazing..." he said as he saw you admiring you.

You just gave him a bright smile and you guys walked out as he guided you into his car. You both got in and buckled up.

"pudding do me a favor okay?" He said and you nodded only to see him hold out a blindfold.

You put it on and he smiled as he turned on the car and started playing the radio.

Since you couldnt see the time it felt like you were driving forever. That's when the car stopped.

"Dont take off your blindfold yet okay?" He said and you nodded. That's when you felt your door open. You tried to get out but you bumped into him, you both laughed.

"I'll carry you so that you dont trip dont worry" he reassured you and you held out your arms.

He wrapped your arms around his neck and picked you up, as you guys were walking you started feeling his face and found his cheek you then kissed him and layed your head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for this. I dont know what it is yet but I already know its gonna be amazing." You said smiling. He carried you for a few minutes and then you got put down on something soft... a blanket? You then layed down.

You felt it move like someone sat across from you. You then felt someone hovering over you. They slid off your blind fold for you too see kenma and a starry night sky behind him.

He fell down next to you and grabbed your hand as you both looked at the starry sky.

"Pudding, its moments like this that mean the most to me..." he said as he turned his head to look at you, you turned your head too.

"Me too" you said with a smile, he sat up so you did too.

That's when you looked around and saw everything around you. Coolers, a small tent, fairy lights, beanbags, it was all so pretty.

Kenma got up and asked you to sit on one of the beanbags as he went into the cooler and pulled out a little pudding cup... it looked identical to the ones you used to make him.

He gave it to you and asked you to eat it while he went to get something from the tent.

He came back out, but he was... empty handed??

He sat down on the bean bag next to you.

"I feel like I just met you yesterday pudding, I honestly never realized how lonely I used to be before I met you, looking at the stars like this with you, it feels amazing... I love you so much" kenma said.

You heard something moving behing a near by bush....


A cat?

"That's why I want to be with you..." the cat crawled up to you and you looked at its collar.

"Forever" kenma said showing you his choker which had a ring instead of a charm.

That's when you realized that on the cats collar wasnt a name tag it was a ring-

He got off of the beanbag and kneeled down on the floor.

"Will you marry me y/n" he said as he looked up at you.

You felt tears fill your eyes. You looked at the cat and then looked back at kenma. And then back at the cat.

You gave him the cat and you saw his face completely change, he looked sad.

Then you went up and hugged him.

"Why you looking all sad for, of course I'll marry you I just wanted you to hold our baby so i could get up right" you laughed.

He looked up at you with tears in his eyes.

You just gave him a big smile...

"My world is just so much brighter with you Kenma Kozume" you said as you wiped his tears
[A/N] soooo the next part will most likely be the last part actually no there will be 2 more parts and then yeah. Because I wanna work on a toga x reader. But yeahhh.
Update on my last rant: soooo I told her how I felt.... and she said she liked me back but now I'm confused because were not dating but we confessed to each other but idk what we are yk? Anyways that doesn't matter. I'm happy 🤪❤

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