The date~!! pt. 2

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TW: abuse (kinda? It's just slightly hinted I guess but just to be safe)

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You got in the car and as he started driving you couldnt help but admire his beauty, he was a literal angel and you could not believe your freaking eyes.

As he saw you staring at him with those eyes he focused even more on the road and blushed.

It was quiet a little too quiet, kenma asked "can I put on some music?"

Then you nodded your head, he proceeded to turn on the radio. Then you heard your favorite song playing.

[Kenmas POV]

I turned on the radio and out of the corner of my eye I saw y/n's face light up, their smile was like nothing I've ever seen-

"This is my favorite song"

Y/n said interrupting my thoughts... we both let out a little laugh, I decided to sing to them...

"I dont wanna see you cry... you dont have to feel this emptiness~" I sang to them.

They started singing with me
"She said I'll love you till the day that I die~"

The whole car ride we sang to each other back and forth it was fun and before we knew it we were already at our destination.

[Your POV]

You were still singing having fun and then you opened your eyes when you realized kenma stopped singing, you hadn't even noticed he had gotten off the car.

He was leaning on the car waiting for you to get down, but damn did he look hot- spinning his car keys on his fingers, leaning on the car, wind blowing through his hair, you were mesmerized.

"Hun, do you not plan on getting off the car?" You heard but didnt get to process as you stayed in a daze

"Y/n? Y/n are you okay?" Kenma asked waving his hands in front of your face causing you to snap out of it.

As you realized that kenmas hands were right in front of your face you flinched...

He realized what happened and he moved his hands away slowly not to startle you anymore than you already were and he looked you in the eyes.

[Kenmas POV]

I looked them in the eyes and they seemed scared, I didnt mean to scare them.... what should I do.

"Hey hey I will never do anything bad to you okay..." I said guiding them out of the car and into my arms...

I sort of felt them melt into my arms it was kind of cute.

I held them up so they stood straight and I kissed them on the forehead.

"There now it's a promise okay" I said and let out a smile, i wonder what happened to them, but I'm pretty sure they will tell me when they are ready. If they are ever ready.

"This is the place." I pointed to the very colorful and fun looking boba and arcade place.

Their eyes lit up again, so cute~

I led them into the shop they kept looking around all amazed I could basically see the sparkles in their eyes.

I ordered and then they ordered after that they went crazy.

[Your POV]

Your normally not like this so hyper and in awe.

This was a dream place to you, you wanted to live here... color changing LED lights everywhere, beanbags, couches, yogaballs, and tables and chairs with plushies all over the lobby. "Two words Kenma: Fucking amazing" you told him as he laughed.

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